Yeah well I'm screwed. I have to study like crazy for my exam tommarow and I still have to pack and clean the apartment up even though I was suppose to do all that yesterday. Definitly going to the gas station to pick up some Red Bull cause I know I'm going to be pulling an all nighter.
I'm such a slacker. I always wait untill the last minute to do everything.
Has anyone ever pulled that cheesy move on you where you're sitting in the thearter and the guy goes "Man I'm I tired *yawn*" and then stretches his arms in the air then puts it around you, or vice versa? I've never had the balls to do it haha. I think that only works in the movies though hehe.
Well I'm going to be busy all this weekend so I won't be on SG for a couple of days. And when I'm back home for two weeks I may or may not have access to the internet so yeah. Take care everyone.
-R P Head
P.S. Did you know that Siren is now called London since that is her real first name? Whatever her name is, she's still hot as hell.

I'm such a slacker. I always wait untill the last minute to do everything.

Has anyone ever pulled that cheesy move on you where you're sitting in the thearter and the guy goes "Man I'm I tired *yawn*" and then stretches his arms in the air then puts it around you, or vice versa? I've never had the balls to do it haha. I think that only works in the movies though hehe.
Well I'm going to be busy all this weekend so I won't be on SG for a couple of days. And when I'm back home for two weeks I may or may not have access to the internet so yeah. Take care everyone.

-R P Head
P.S. Did you know that Siren is now called London since that is her real first name? Whatever her name is, she's still hot as hell.

dude ... so you think im cool ... huh ? **hey ma ... i got this guy on the screen who thinks im cool**

Cassiopeia, a friend of mine and member on this site, told me that I reminded her of Siren, aka London. She said I looked like her, and others have said the same on completely un-related occasions! It's weird. Anyway... that was before I even knew of this site.