What time is it? Yes, IT'S DRUNKEN RADIOPORTISHEAD JOURNAL ENTRY TIME! FUCK! So i went to my roomate's friend's party tonite. It was a gay party really. No really. About 75% of the people at the party were homosexual men. I did however talked to this one girl there and I got her phone number but I don't think much will come out of it. This is because I obviously drunk and I'm sure she could tell.
And I think she was under the impression that I was a experimental gay man who was so despereate that I was hitting on a girl. Well If you heard the conversation we had, you would understand what I mean, but you were not there. And if would be too hard to explain over writing as opposed to real life talking, so yeah.
Fuck this I'm drunk. I'm just going to wait till it's summer break when I get back hometown and have a booty call. I always get booty calls when I'm back at home but in my college town I never get any. Fuck!
OK I'm really drank and rambling so yeah. Let's see...... Tell me... Who is your favorite SG and why?... And ask me question, any question, and I will answer it for you.... And leave me a testimonaial.... and if you do, i will leave one for you!
....Sex....Drugs...Rock N Roll...And drunken RadioPortishead Journal Entries
-R P fuck off Head
And I think she was under the impression that I was a experimental gay man who was so despereate that I was hitting on a girl. Well If you heard the conversation we had, you would understand what I mean, but you were not there. And if would be too hard to explain over writing as opposed to real life talking, so yeah.
Fuck this I'm drunk. I'm just going to wait till it's summer break when I get back hometown and have a booty call. I always get booty calls when I'm back at home but in my college town I never get any. Fuck!
OK I'm really drank and rambling so yeah. Let's see...... Tell me... Who is your favorite SG and why?... And ask me question, any question, and I will answer it for you.... And leave me a testimonaial.... and if you do, i will leave one for you!
....Sex....Drugs...Rock N Roll...And drunken RadioPortishead Journal Entries
-R P fuck off Head
ps...I don't like it when people use the term "Gay" to discribe a party....cause my "Gay Ass partys" kick ass..!!!!