So I just came back from my Stats test and it sucked balls. I didn't go out last Sat. nite so that I could study and all I did yesterday was study, but the test was still really really hard. And If I don't pass this class my college career is basically over. Fuck!!!!
I'm proud of myself. Over the weekend I only smoked half a pack of cloves as opposed to a whole pack the weekend before. But after today's test I might pick the habit back up again. Grrrr.
Over the weekend we got a PA system for our band so we finally got to hear our guitarist Jamie sing clearly. His vocals is definitly the weakest part of the band even though vocals are the most important part. During one of the verses he actually sings "I met a girl with a cocaine nosejob..." It's like fucking 80's glam metal all over again! More Grrrr and more
This week is not starting off so well. Hope everyone is doing better than me though ha ha.
-R P Head
P.S. For the rest of the month I'm doing a SG of the Day and Member of the day. Everyone will get a turn and I'm not doing it in any particular order, so don't worry, your day will come soon enough.
SG of the Day:Nixon. She was really rad when I met her at the Burlesque show. She was a great story teller and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, so I had this huge black lipstick mark on me for the rest of the night hehehe.
Member of the Day:supernaught He loves beer and heavy metal just like me. And he seems like a really caring guy.

I'm proud of myself. Over the weekend I only smoked half a pack of cloves as opposed to a whole pack the weekend before. But after today's test I might pick the habit back up again. Grrrr.

Over the weekend we got a PA system for our band so we finally got to hear our guitarist Jamie sing clearly. His vocals is definitly the weakest part of the band even though vocals are the most important part. During one of the verses he actually sings "I met a girl with a cocaine nosejob..." It's like fucking 80's glam metal all over again! More Grrrr and more

This week is not starting off so well. Hope everyone is doing better than me though ha ha.

-R P Head
P.S. For the rest of the month I'm doing a SG of the Day and Member of the day. Everyone will get a turn and I'm not doing it in any particular order, so don't worry, your day will come soon enough.

SG of the Day:Nixon. She was really rad when I met her at the Burlesque show. She was a great story teller and she gave me a kiss on the cheek, so I had this huge black lipstick mark on me for the rest of the night hehehe.
Member of the Day:supernaught He loves beer and heavy metal just like me. And he seems like a really caring guy.
So have you and your band actually recorded anything yet, or are you going to do the live scene first?
cocaine nosejob
nixon was a total babe when i saw her at the show. kiss on the cheek? idabeenalllike