Yea, SGB is coming to G ville!!!
And the Venue is 2 blocks from where I live! Wouldn't miss it for the world.
This weekend is going to be great. My friend is having a huge B day party at her apartment and my two friend from UCF (U of Central Florida) and UM ( U of Miami) are coming to visit. And Kill Bill 2 comes out tommarow. And my band is having it's first full practise tommarow as well. Rock N Roll!!!
Are you going to the burlesque show? And which SGs are you looking forward to seeing if you are? he he
Ok time to nap than study stupid spanish. Bye Bye

This weekend is going to be great. My friend is having a huge B day party at her apartment and my two friend from UCF (U of Central Florida) and UM ( U of Miami) are coming to visit. And Kill Bill 2 comes out tommarow. And my band is having it's first full practise tommarow as well. Rock N Roll!!!
Are you going to the burlesque show? And which SGs are you looking forward to seeing if you are? he he

Ok time to nap than study stupid spanish. Bye Bye
see ya there...