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Thursday Aug 25, 2005
Yesterday was the first day of school. In my Social Psychology Resear… -
Monday Aug 22, 2005
I just got into Gainesville last night. On the bus ride we watched Si… -
Saturday Aug 20, 2005
I changed my name because having six syllables is just too long hehe.… -
Tuesday Aug 16, 2005
Last week I had a terrible cold. My nose was so stuffed up I could ha… -
Monday Aug 08, 2005
Yesterday I went to church for the first time since Christmas. I took… -
Sunday Jul 31, 2005
The weekend so far has been alright. Friday night I went out to a par… -
Thursday Jul 28, 2005
Two nights ago my band went to a jam night (An informal thing were an… -
Sunday Jul 24, 2005
So on Friday at midnight my friend Andres from Orlando randomly calls… -
Wednesday Jul 20, 2005
Yeah I just got off the phone with my dad and he went on a rant about… -
Sunday Jul 17, 2005
Soooo busy. I had a paper due on friday and I have a mid-term tomorro…
Finished reading that Alex James autobiography ("A Bit of a Blur")-- it's pretty cool! See if you can find it on Amazon or something.
Are you looking for work in psychology now or did you-- like 80% of the rest of us-- finish school and realise you never wanted to do anything related to your major again?!