1. I had to cancel my trip to Vietnam.
On the Greyhound trip to my hometown I had a 6 hour long migraine. Since I get migraines while traveling in the U.S., it wouldn't have been a good idea to travel in a country with a lot of pollution and unsanitary food and such.
2. I'm changing to another neurologist next week. This will be my third neurologist in the past year. Hopefully this one will be able to help me.
3. My 23rd birthday was definitely the worst birthday I ever had in my life. It was horribly uneventful and boring. In one of my Psychology classes I learned that people always imagine just the Fairy Tale best case scenario or the End of the World worst case scenario when they think of a major upcoming event. But in reality these events end up falling somewhere in between. My birthday was the first time in my life that the reality ended up being worse than the worst case scenario that I imagined.
4. I think my new favorite guilty pleasure song is Hall and Oates's "Private Eyes" hehe
5. My sister got engaged a couple of days ago. I've hanged out with her fianc a couple of times and he's a cool guy. He's smoked me out before haha. They are getting married April 23rd at Disney World.
6. Over the weekend I saw a reggae band and the guitar player had a heart and cross bones SG sticker on his amp. Less than a year ago I saw a bass player with an SG shirt on and a couple of years ago I remember seeing another guitarist with a SG sticker on his amp. Those Gainesville Rock N Rollers sure love their pin up girls hehe.
-R P Head

2. I'm changing to another neurologist next week. This will be my third neurologist in the past year. Hopefully this one will be able to help me.
3. My 23rd birthday was definitely the worst birthday I ever had in my life. It was horribly uneventful and boring. In one of my Psychology classes I learned that people always imagine just the Fairy Tale best case scenario or the End of the World worst case scenario when they think of a major upcoming event. But in reality these events end up falling somewhere in between. My birthday was the first time in my life that the reality ended up being worse than the worst case scenario that I imagined.
4. I think my new favorite guilty pleasure song is Hall and Oates's "Private Eyes" hehe
5. My sister got engaged a couple of days ago. I've hanged out with her fianc a couple of times and he's a cool guy. He's smoked me out before haha. They are getting married April 23rd at Disney World.
6. Over the weekend I saw a reggae band and the guitar player had a heart and cross bones SG sticker on his amp. Less than a year ago I saw a bass player with an SG shirt on and a couple of years ago I remember seeing another guitarist with a SG sticker on his amp. Those Gainesville Rock N Rollers sure love their pin up girls hehe.
-R P Head
I certainly hope you find a rockin' doctor to help you. Maybe you should consider holistic medicine, all the neurologists will do is pump ya up with painkillers that are habit forming and don't cure anything.
my mum went to a holistic doctor and thru natural supplements and diet was able to rid herself of migraines so bad she was on disability and hooked on painkillers, now if she ever gets a headache it's a normal one that aspirin can take away, it's been over 10 years since she had a migraine too!
i hope the best for you, it's painful even to remember seeing my mum go thru having those.