hello everyone!
alot of people are getting fiddgetty about new sets,
im shooting two in march, if neither get accepted ill deal with the fact i must suck and give up.
if anyone on here has blonde hair by the way im selling these on ebay,
they dont match my hair anymore and there brand new,

here's a really long boring myspace quiz, to pass some time.
i have one of those lives where i need to just "pass time"
hope your all well
1. Who were you with last night?
in the jug of ale committing social suicide with my drink and drug feuled antics.
2. What woke you up this morning.
woke me, man i hardly slept.
3. Where are you?
in a bedroom.
4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
well if it doesnt rain, i win the lottery and cillian murphy proposes,
it might just be OK.
5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
i guess you could say so.
8. When's the last time you cried?
oh dear.
-The PAST-
9. Ever thrown up in public?
story of my life.
10. Passed out because of alcohol?
every day.
Alcohol alludes me into thinking i have a purpose to live.
11. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
why am i doing this quiz, is this really what my life has come too?
i never want to do drugs again, and i wish i was wearing socks.
12. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
selfish is my middle name.
13. Where would you like to live?
the city center. taht 20 minute bus journey really kills me.
14. What kind of home would you like?
a mansion run by animals. kinda like snow white,
minus teh skanky cottege, and irritating broad.
15. What do you want to be when you grow up?
naked. everyday.
naked is nice.
16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
18. Who have you kissed last?
19. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
someone un cool probably.
20. Are you good friends with this person?
friends dont comment you, thats what the message button is for. privacy is so under rated.
21. How often do you log into myspace?
sometimes once a day, sometimes once a week.
22.Do you like peanut butter?
particulary with jelly. mmm.
23. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
im a total clutz, this morning i hit my head off a metal bar on a bunk bed, and yesterday i ran into on coming traffic, apparently.
24. Do you listen to music every day?
25. Do you still go trick or treating?
i can still get away with been thirteen with these tits.
26. was the last thing you ate?
an actual cooked dinner. wooh get me.
27. Are you a fast typer?:
im really bad, and make 649374584 mistakes.
28. About how many people have you liked?
as in friendship wise in my life. not many. or as in relationship wise? even less. im very very picky.
29. What are you doing this weekend?
next weekend recovering from the week by downing vodka.
30. Whats your favorite type of SODA?
lucozade. one litre a day, taht has to be some kind of record?
31. Have you ever moved?
too many times. you cant ascape memories by hording things in huge removal vans. someone tell my mother this.
32. Have you ever won an award?
no i suck. actually someone made me a best ass of the year at a leaving thing at school. wow.
33. Do you do any sports or other activities that are unusual?
sport? pfft.
34. What do you want to do right now?
eat some more food. calories can be a comfort in times of hang over.
35. Are you listening to music right now?
the sound of my own breath is even a burdon on my ears right now.
36. Do you like someone?
i liek my friends. there neat.
37. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
i rule at life. i dont love that phrase but i say it a lot.
oh and fuck off.
38. How many days till your birthday?
shoulder shrug.
39. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
how long is this quiz like seriously.
pets dying is pretty sad.
40. What time is it?
i probably started this bastard at 4.32
41. do u use Ebay?
way too much.
but seriosuly who cares if i use ebay, this is just getting vague...
40. What makes you pissed off?
41. Have you ever had a song written about you?
ive had poems, thats even gayer, surely thats more points?
42. What song makes you cry?
chasing cars by snow patrol because it reminds me of big brother ending. hahah.
42. What song makes you happy?
too many too name.
43. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
porn. sets you up for a good nights sleep.
44. Do you have a job?
45. What does Your CD player have in it right now?
i use the computer.
46. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
47. What makes you happy?
the usual, lucozade, friends, dancing, lavish and expensive gifts, menthol ciggerettes, blah blah blah
48.What's the next CD you're gonna get?
calm down with teh music questions.
i like it, is that not enough.
a tall 5'4 and a half.
[Eye Color]
they change between brown and green depending on my mood.
only my septum left.
not enough.
[wearing right now:]
camo shoots and a baggie red chord tshirt, its what i slept in.
[What taste is in your mouth]
blood (because i bit the inside of my mouth not because im a massive gothic)
[Get Motion Sickness]
[Have a bad habit?]
[] Sucked for me
[x] was awesome
[ ] Was ok. It was awesome sometimes, then sucked sometimes.
2006 I..
[x]Dumped someone
[ ] Was dumped.
[ ] cheated on someone
[ ] been cheated on
[x] Dyed my hair
[ ] Fell in love.
[ ] had love at first sight
[ ]Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[] Cried because I missed someone/something
[ ] Missed curfew.
[ ] Kissed someone who I regret kissing...
[x] Danced crazily with my friends all night
[ ] Gained confidence
[x] Lost a friend(s)
[x] Gained new friends
[ ] Changed look
2007 I want to...
[ ] Be more outgoing
[ ] Get better grades
[ ] Care less about how I look
[x] Care more about how I look
[ ] Be crazier
[ ] Keep my resolution
[ ] Be more of myself around people
the end.
alot of people are getting fiddgetty about new sets,
im shooting two in march, if neither get accepted ill deal with the fact i must suck and give up.
if anyone on here has blonde hair by the way im selling these on ebay,
they dont match my hair anymore and there brand new,

here's a really long boring myspace quiz, to pass some time.
i have one of those lives where i need to just "pass time"
hope your all well

1. Who were you with last night?
in the jug of ale committing social suicide with my drink and drug feuled antics.
2. What woke you up this morning.
woke me, man i hardly slept.
3. Where are you?
in a bedroom.
4. Is tomorrow going to be a good day?
well if it doesnt rain, i win the lottery and cillian murphy proposes,
it might just be OK.
5. Did you kiss or hug anyone today?
i guess you could say so.
8. When's the last time you cried?
oh dear.
-The PAST-
9. Ever thrown up in public?
story of my life.
10. Passed out because of alcohol?
every day.
Alcohol alludes me into thinking i have a purpose to live.
11. What's on your mind RIGHT NOW?
why am i doing this quiz, is this really what my life has come too?
i never want to do drugs again, and i wish i was wearing socks.
12. Would you take a bullet for anyone?
selfish is my middle name.
13. Where would you like to live?
the city center. taht 20 minute bus journey really kills me.
14. What kind of home would you like?
a mansion run by animals. kinda like snow white,
minus teh skanky cottege, and irritating broad.
15. What do you want to be when you grow up?
naked. everyday.
naked is nice.
16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
18. Who have you kissed last?
19. Who was the last person that left you a comment?
someone un cool probably.
20. Are you good friends with this person?
friends dont comment you, thats what the message button is for. privacy is so under rated.
21. How often do you log into myspace?
sometimes once a day, sometimes once a week.
22.Do you like peanut butter?
particulary with jelly. mmm.
23. When was the last time you fell over or ran into something?
im a total clutz, this morning i hit my head off a metal bar on a bunk bed, and yesterday i ran into on coming traffic, apparently.
24. Do you listen to music every day?
25. Do you still go trick or treating?
i can still get away with been thirteen with these tits.
26. was the last thing you ate?
an actual cooked dinner. wooh get me.
27. Are you a fast typer?:
im really bad, and make 649374584 mistakes.
28. About how many people have you liked?
as in friendship wise in my life. not many. or as in relationship wise? even less. im very very picky.
29. What are you doing this weekend?
next weekend recovering from the week by downing vodka.
30. Whats your favorite type of SODA?
lucozade. one litre a day, taht has to be some kind of record?
31. Have you ever moved?
too many times. you cant ascape memories by hording things in huge removal vans. someone tell my mother this.
32. Have you ever won an award?
no i suck. actually someone made me a best ass of the year at a leaving thing at school. wow.
33. Do you do any sports or other activities that are unusual?
sport? pfft.
34. What do you want to do right now?
eat some more food. calories can be a comfort in times of hang over.
35. Are you listening to music right now?
the sound of my own breath is even a burdon on my ears right now.

36. Do you like someone?
i liek my friends. there neat.
37. Whats a word or phrase that you love?
i rule at life. i dont love that phrase but i say it a lot.
oh and fuck off.
38. How many days till your birthday?
shoulder shrug.
39. When were you the saddest in your whole life?
how long is this quiz like seriously.
pets dying is pretty sad.
40. What time is it?
i probably started this bastard at 4.32
41. do u use Ebay?
way too much.
but seriosuly who cares if i use ebay, this is just getting vague...
40. What makes you pissed off?
41. Have you ever had a song written about you?
ive had poems, thats even gayer, surely thats more points?
42. What song makes you cry?
chasing cars by snow patrol because it reminds me of big brother ending. hahah.
42. What song makes you happy?
too many too name.
43. What do you like to listen to before you go to bed?
porn. sets you up for a good nights sleep.
44. Do you have a job?
45. What does Your CD player have in it right now?
i use the computer.
46. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?
47. What makes you happy?
the usual, lucozade, friends, dancing, lavish and expensive gifts, menthol ciggerettes, blah blah blah
48.What's the next CD you're gonna get?
calm down with teh music questions.
i like it, is that not enough.
a tall 5'4 and a half.
[Eye Color]
they change between brown and green depending on my mood.
only my septum left.
not enough.
[wearing right now:]
camo shoots and a baggie red chord tshirt, its what i slept in.
[What taste is in your mouth]
blood (because i bit the inside of my mouth not because im a massive gothic)
[Get Motion Sickness]
[Have a bad habit?]
[] Sucked for me
[x] was awesome
[ ] Was ok. It was awesome sometimes, then sucked sometimes.
2006 I..
[x]Dumped someone
[ ] Was dumped.
[ ] cheated on someone
[ ] been cheated on
[x] Dyed my hair
[ ] Fell in love.
[ ] had love at first sight
[ ]Snuck out of my house
[x] Stayed up all night
[] Cried because I missed someone/something
[ ] Missed curfew.
[ ] Kissed someone who I regret kissing...
[x] Danced crazily with my friends all night
[ ] Gained confidence
[x] Lost a friend(s)
[x] Gained new friends
[ ] Changed look
2007 I want to...
[ ] Be more outgoing
[ ] Get better grades
[ ] Care less about how I look
[x] Care more about how I look
[ ] Be crazier
[ ] Keep my resolution
[ ] Be more of myself around people
the end.
Fan Art