im selling the corset i wore in my first shoot on ebay, because im so poor
go buy it and make me a happy bunny
ps how are you all, i got lots of positive feedback from my last post, so thanks to everyone that commented it,
it was dead neat of youa ll

go buy it and make me a happy bunny
ps how are you all, i got lots of positive feedback from my last post, so thanks to everyone that commented it,
it was dead neat of youa ll

I see you have new hair aswell.i want it.i want to cut mine off again...i may i may not..hmph.Wel have to go out soon.When i have some moneys.Il try and see where your set is.I know they have it because they asked what name i wanted on it[joseph/vixie] so its there somewhere...right..>Misssiooon!!<3 i miss you

aw could you be any CUTER??? i duno bout panic, my friend has asked me to go the canal, to help him woo a lady friend from work lol..he's not so good with the ladies... I'll try my bestest tho! btw love the new pix u posted on myspace! ! ! beautiful as ever xox