Alas, there is still part of me that is very much a little girl who wants guidance and someone to care ect..I think this little girl needs to die, cuz her desires do nothing but get me into trouble, lead to disappointment, ect!
I want to live on the 1st floor of this one place, but one floors tend to be not as safe. I really like it though, and though the area is quesitonable, I like its kitchen and bathroom so much more then the upstairs. I am trying to see if I could afford a security system.
The whole thing has me in a foul mood. I think I just didn't forsee me having to do this all alone.
Or, maybe I did.
I think I just didn't forsee me still trying to invite people to help me, care, ect...oh wait, didn't I just day something like this a few paragraphs ago
I hope someone is willing to buy my furniture. I am marking it super cheap because it really isn't that great. But I rather try to sell it first before I donate or toss it. I am already donating some towels and stuff to the ASPCA.
School starts on Monday I'm 25 and still in school...working on my fuckin BA
Oh well. I had demons of my own to fight for the first couple years of my adult life. It was necessary. I am not going to dwell. I actaully need to start looking for other places to transfer too. So much shit to get done.
I keep having weird dreams. I tend to wake up frightened or sad.
I miss smoking but don't. I feel so much more healthy and clean, grown up. I guess I just miss having that ritual or so comforting. What can you do?
I got my rag for the first time in God knows when. With YAZ I hardly bleed. Oddly, I'm bleeding like a gutted sow--inexplicably. I think its because after like amonth hiatus, my boyfriend and I are having sex again, and my gyno says when you're on the pill, your cervix becomes super sensitive and tends to bleed a lot more, especially when something my be "Stabbing" at it
(sighs) The thrills of having a
I need to find a new pair of boots
selling shit online and looking for a new place to live. People in my life keep telling me to live in places they know damn well are going to hurt me financially and its starting to piss me off. I wonder why I even bother asking for these people advice when I know 1) It sucks and 2) I won't take it.