I went with Special K to see The Dark Knight yesterday evening. It was really fucking good ya'll. I am not the biggest Heath L fan. He's a good enough actor and whatnot, but I wasn't one of these people who thought he was incredible, extremly talented, ect ect. He was good..I could care less..blah blah...his death was a tradgedy..blah blah...but man, after I saw this movie, I have to say, he really is quiet the actor. I mean he really played a twisted fuck in this movie and it was an amazing performance. JUST GO SEE THE DAMN MOVIE.

I'm sitting at home with a empty glass of yogurt. Mmmm vanilla. Bob Dylans 'Love Sick' is on the player. I find this song very sensual. I always wanna dance to it. I wish I could buy my stripper pole. Sadly, its not priority these days and also its pointless since my apartment has catherdral slanted ceilings.
I've been fighting a cold since Tuesday and I thought it was gone yesterday, but its back again...the fiendish germs.
I need a new digital camera. I broke mine
I want a cigarette, but thats only because I feel loney. I don't know why.. maybe its because I had onions in my salad. Harsh/strong taste make me crave cigarettes. Will this cigarette war ever end--the paper bastards!
I think I need to go to anger management. I keep having dreams where I am going to beat someone up, or I am beating someone up....and its complete strangers-always girls.
oh well, heres to me---Holly, Warrior Princess!!!!
Do you guys remember this video. I love the song. The lyrics...
someone write a song like that about me....PLEASE.

I'm sitting at home with a empty glass of yogurt. Mmmm vanilla. Bob Dylans 'Love Sick' is on the player. I find this song very sensual. I always wanna dance to it. I wish I could buy my stripper pole. Sadly, its not priority these days and also its pointless since my apartment has catherdral slanted ceilings.
I've been fighting a cold since Tuesday and I thought it was gone yesterday, but its back again...the fiendish germs.
I need a new digital camera. I broke mine

I want a cigarette, but thats only because I feel loney. I don't know why.. maybe its because I had onions in my salad. Harsh/strong taste make me crave cigarettes. Will this cigarette war ever end--the paper bastards!

I think I need to go to anger management. I keep having dreams where I am going to beat someone up, or I am beating someone up....and its complete strangers-always girls.
oh well, heres to me---Holly, Warrior Princess!!!!
Do you guys remember this video. I love the song. The lyrics...

Not yet, but an "at home" shot would be em-bare ass-ing, if you get my meaning. Once I get a little better, I'll get someone to shoot me at practice.
