Dirty Dishes and the smell of male
thats all the evidence I need to know you were here
These bones itch honey
and smell like loss

2morrow is Scoops!! Hooray!! Pandora is sitting with me, side by side. My mouth taste like peanut
butter and raisens.

Its hot as hell here

it's hot as hell here too

and i like your little love and loss poem

You have amazing beauty! Sounds like a sweet weekend.
I think I have a cavity. The wisdom tooth on my right side is looking sorta black; sorta hurts. I mean, technically I have already know that I have a cavity in that tooth but I have been avoiding going to the dentist for a long time. It cost 800 dollars to get my left side done four years back.

I am watching brokedown palace...
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Save by the Bell, instant coffee and bed head--Just another morning.

I dreamed I was making the pasta they made in the show, Cooking with the Kneelys. I don't even like Pasta, but it you do get some cooked penne and throw it in a pan with olive oil and pepper flakes, add grilled chicken. Weird.

I love reading the blogs of Snow Suicide. They...
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Was is it about being depressed that always makes me horny?
Its like my heart turns off and my cunt turns on
I'm like that damn Peaches song 'Fuck the Pain away'

Damn I want a cigarette, a D&D ice lattee- small ice mocha swirl latte with skim milk, whipped cream please. Yummy. Those were the good old days, when I was still hopeful about...
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Went to the Museum of Modern Art with Baby Husband yesterday. Its free on Friday evenings, and I love a deal, so off we went.It was really cool. I love modern art. We saw some of Basquiat's work, which I really loved, and Patti Smith had a drawing there as well. I discovered a artist called Francias Bacon, who does a lot of dark oil...
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First day of my vacation from my job. Hooray!! I had plans to see one of my girls from the good old New Paltz days, but she found out her friends brother just died. Suicide.

Clearly death wins over a day at Starfucks.

Worked out for awhile. Ran into my old hair stlyist, which would have been cool except for the fact that she now...
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Why does the weekend have to end?
Lying here naked..no, reallly. Its too hot in the NY and my loft feels like a furnice. I just took a shower though Sunday is usually the day I lay around in my pj's and do boo. Special K is in el toilet. He's going to get clean 2.Maybe we'll get dirty soon.

I am having a hard...
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Yay for new friends!
thank you for the comment on my member review set! kiss