i am off to see sonic youth tomorrow in milwaukee. im a bit excited. too bad i have to work the next day 9-5.
speaking of work i suspect i will have a lot of hours next week due to todd taking the week off on a whim sooo that is:
a. good cuz then i get moola
b. bad cuz then i cant hang out as much
i have realized my fear of zombies isnt really normal and very irrational. i have quite a few dreams about zombies and i sometimes find myself thinking about the best way to handle a zombie attack. i have come up with purchasing a helicopter in preperation so when they do attack, i can just get in the helicopter and take off from anyway without a run-way to an island before the zombies figure out how to swim/ operate boats and aircrafts. then i remember zombies arent going to attack because they are not real.
beth and i wrote a song about this problem of mine called airforce one. it is awesome. it has no chorus or verse which i think is genius. it goes like this if anyone cares:
what ya gonna do when zomies attack?
i said what ya gonna do when zombies aaattttaaacckk
im gonna buy an airplane im gonna buy an airplane!
the presidents landing in his airplane the presidents landing in his airplane
lets collect them all lets collect them all
we gotta collect them all!
we know its our destiny
we KNOW its OUR destiny...
im gonna die cuz theyre so gross
their rotting flesh makes me wanna puuuuke
the president says it will be ooookaaay
but hes the only one with an aeroplane
air force one! youre not on their list!
air force one! show them your fist!
air force one! they told you a lie!
air force one! we're all gonna die!
so ya it takes a special person to appreciate beths and myselfs vision...
i have started to use my burt bee's organic stuff and i like it. i feel clean and natural at the same time!
ok kids i am going to bed, i will ctach you on the flipside.
p.s. i am sick of the lack of good/not-metal drummers in green bay. i to start a new band but i can never find a drummer.

speaking of work i suspect i will have a lot of hours next week due to todd taking the week off on a whim sooo that is:
a. good cuz then i get moola

b. bad cuz then i cant hang out as much

i have realized my fear of zombies isnt really normal and very irrational. i have quite a few dreams about zombies and i sometimes find myself thinking about the best way to handle a zombie attack. i have come up with purchasing a helicopter in preperation so when they do attack, i can just get in the helicopter and take off from anyway without a run-way to an island before the zombies figure out how to swim/ operate boats and aircrafts. then i remember zombies arent going to attack because they are not real.
beth and i wrote a song about this problem of mine called airforce one. it is awesome. it has no chorus or verse which i think is genius. it goes like this if anyone cares:
what ya gonna do when zomies attack?
i said what ya gonna do when zombies aaattttaaacckk
im gonna buy an airplane im gonna buy an airplane!
the presidents landing in his airplane the presidents landing in his airplane
lets collect them all lets collect them all
we gotta collect them all!
we know its our destiny
we KNOW its OUR destiny...
im gonna die cuz theyre so gross
their rotting flesh makes me wanna puuuuke
the president says it will be ooookaaay
but hes the only one with an aeroplane
air force one! youre not on their list!
air force one! show them your fist!
air force one! they told you a lie!
air force one! we're all gonna die!
so ya it takes a special person to appreciate beths and myselfs vision...
i have started to use my burt bee's organic stuff and i like it. i feel clean and natural at the same time!

ok kids i am going to bed, i will ctach you on the flipside.

p.s. i am sick of the lack of good/not-metal drummers in green bay. i to start a new band but i can never find a drummer.
Tristan is super pissed at me.
