summer of love is starting a new chapter: summer of vacations
here are my travel plans for this summer.y i m
i am going to my grandma's house to visit with family in the beginning of aug. it is going to to hotter then a motherfucker and i will be surrounded my corn and dark skies filled with stars. but dont romantize it, this trip will probably suck but will make me feel like a good daughter.
next in the middle of aug i am flying to DC and meeting up with a band i used to tour with and going to NJ for Hellfest. i am super excited. i dont know many of the bands playing (there is close to 200) but the bands i do know i love. i.e. 108 is playing a reunion. if you're interested in hearing one of the greatest bands ever here: 108/deathbed
for labor day weekend i will be returning to seattle for bumbershoot/flatstock with lil_tuffy. we had the best time ever last year. i am really looking forward to some fo the bands this year. so heads up to all you cute seattle folks.....i am coming back for more.
looking at this list i am not sure how i am giong to afford to do it all..but i'll work it out...donations will e accepted. i accepted beer, whiskey, vodka, the occasional tequilla and burritos.
edited to melt your heart. cutest picture on suicide ever!

here are my travel plans for this summer.y i m
i am going to my grandma's house to visit with family in the beginning of aug. it is going to to hotter then a motherfucker and i will be surrounded my corn and dark skies filled with stars. but dont romantize it, this trip will probably suck but will make me feel like a good daughter.
next in the middle of aug i am flying to DC and meeting up with a band i used to tour with and going to NJ for Hellfest. i am super excited. i dont know many of the bands playing (there is close to 200) but the bands i do know i love. i.e. 108 is playing a reunion. if you're interested in hearing one of the greatest bands ever here: 108/deathbed
for labor day weekend i will be returning to seattle for bumbershoot/flatstock with lil_tuffy. we had the best time ever last year. i am really looking forward to some fo the bands this year. so heads up to all you cute seattle folks.....i am coming back for more.
looking at this list i am not sure how i am giong to afford to do it all..but i'll work it out...donations will e accepted. i accepted beer, whiskey, vodka, the occasional tequilla and burritos.
edited to melt your heart. cutest picture on suicide ever!

girl you just went from groovey to mamacita!
good luck on your travels. i hope you have fun at granny's!
if you have any spare time before or after hellfest, come over to new york and i'll show you around town and feed you some beer and whiskey!