started stupid white men by mr. moore
it's beautiful out
nails finally got done....damn
only 4 more hours to go on my arm
made a lot of money today at work
get to go see the band strike anywhere tonight..yea....richmond VA!!!!
listening to the sounds
ok gotta get into the shower...yep gotta hot date tonight *wink*
it's beautiful out
nails finally got done....damn
only 4 more hours to go on my arm
made a lot of money today at work
get to go see the band strike anywhere tonight..yea....richmond VA!!!!
listening to the sounds
ok gotta get into the shower...yep gotta hot date tonight *wink*
I've been thinking about going to the fetish ball. I've never been before, it's always seemed a little..I dunno...cheesy I guess. I think it would be fun though to go in a group. Last year I had no one to go with so I didn't go. I wanted to though because one of my fav. models was there, Masuimi Max. Supa hot.
we are going for spring break.i go once a year.this is my third.i fall in love with SF more and more each time.
we dont really have big plans except for that i told them was going on with the bbq and as far as i know they are up for it!!and they better be!!!
i know well just probably go shopping one day.weve done the fishermans warf and cinatown thing already so now we are just going to go about the town and find some places to im sure you can help us out with that.
my best friend, her girlfriend, and my other good friend are coming with me.i cant wait.i really cant.