eh.....what a bad day. today started off shitty. we were short handed at work cause my manager fucked up again...but then eveything was cool. i sorta had a hard time giving a shit how people want their eggs ( i am a breakfast waitress), but eventually i snapped outta it and had a good time at work. i love most my co workers so much. then i came home..........i recieved my hospital bill from going to the er cause i came down with strep throat. after 4 hours and talking to a doctor for 4 minutes they billed me for $ insurence company is covering like $150 or it leaving me with a bill over $700. such a fucking bummer. the medical industry is so fucked up and we are at their mercy. i am drained and disappointed in humanity.
on another note i finished my book...the red tent in a bath after opening my mail. it was amazing. read it if you like fantastic fiction books ago far away lands and beautiful cultures.
and on an additional note i love my cat alice.
and on a last notice i need to go on a date. have not met anyone interesting in a while....
on another note i finished my book...the red tent in a bath after opening my mail. it was amazing. read it if you like fantastic fiction books ago far away lands and beautiful cultures.
and on an additional note i love my cat alice.
and on a last notice i need to go on a date. have not met anyone interesting in a while....
alice has nice eyes. i like green eyes.