Things are progressing, even though I'm drowning in drama. Why must people continue to act like 14 year olds when they're pushing 30? Sweet jesus on ice skates, grow the hell up or stay out of my way.
On a good note this weekend will be full epic, two 40 Below Summer shows in one weekend! Not to mention hanging out with my boys in With Daggers Drawn, two really great New Jersey/New York bands, everyone should check them out! If anyone is in NYC Friday night with nothing to do, head over to the Gramercy and join me for some metal and a drink! Otherwise happy weekend plans to all!
And as always.... YAAARRRRRGGG!!!

On a good note this weekend will be full epic, two 40 Below Summer shows in one weekend! Not to mention hanging out with my boys in With Daggers Drawn, two really great New Jersey/New York bands, everyone should check them out! If anyone is in NYC Friday night with nothing to do, head over to the Gramercy and join me for some metal and a drink! Otherwise happy weekend plans to all!

And as always.... YAAARRRRRGGG!!!