It makes me so incredibly sad to see all these amazing women with the most worthless guys. These douche bags pay them no attention, treat them like crap, cheat on them, never do anything romantic and sometimes flat out ignore them. However, a true to life romantic like myself who is also one of the most caring, loving, respectful individuals this planet has to offer gets the cold shoulder all the time. I'm really hoping it's just the area where I live and once I move things will be different. I don't know anyone who would carry their girl across snow or a mud puddle so she doesn't get wet/dirty but I have. I go out of my way to make my girl as happy as she possibly can be but to no avail. Eight years now and I'm still single. The only ones who want anything to do with me are filthy whores who sleep around more than a jungle cat. I hate to sound so down when I really am a positive person, but I'm at a loss and I don't know what to do anymore. I can't function properly, I can't sleep, eat or enjoy the things I used to. I feel like I'm loosing purpose in a world that I never belonged in to begin with...maybe someday I'll figure it all out.
I just wish I had some decent friends who gave a shit about me and wanted to help, except all they do is change the subject around to focus on them and I'm left with no advice or input on what to do. I know I stand as the voice of reason for a lot of the ridiculous things they get themselves into, but couldn't they return the favor once?
I seriously can't take much more..
I just wish I had some decent friends who gave a shit about me and wanted to help, except all they do is change the subject around to focus on them and I'm left with no advice or input on what to do. I know I stand as the voice of reason for a lot of the ridiculous things they get themselves into, but couldn't they return the favor once?
I seriously can't take much more..