SATURDAY, SAYREVILLE, NEW JERSEY!! I can't fucking wait, God Forbid, Kittie, and With Daggers Drawn with my mother fuckers Max and Joey from 40 Below and Black Market Hero. It's going to be a great show, lots of energy. I'm finally fully healed and raging to go. I'm driving two hours to be there but it's going to be worth it.
Saw the Crazies last night, not completely impressed. It's not like it was a bad movie, but way too predictable. Too much "The" and not enough "Crazies." It as a cool take on the whole outbreak/zombie thing, but I was hoping it'd be better.
I've been looking into my next tattoo and I've got a few ideas going thus far:
The crest for my mother's side of the family, the one I take after more.
Spacescape. The Idea I have is to have my forearm almost ripping open to reveal space, and possibly my astrological sign. A few more thoughts but that's for another day. Gotta get back to work.
And as usual. YAR!
Saw the Crazies last night, not completely impressed. It's not like it was a bad movie, but way too predictable. Too much "The" and not enough "Crazies." It as a cool take on the whole outbreak/zombie thing, but I was hoping it'd be better.
I've been looking into my next tattoo and I've got a few ideas going thus far:

The crest for my mother's side of the family, the one I take after more.

Spacescape. The Idea I have is to have my forearm almost ripping open to reveal space, and possibly my astrological sign. A few more thoughts but that's for another day. Gotta get back to work.
And as usual. YAR!
