I've pretty much given up on trying to meet a nice a girl. Jersey, especially south Jersey is full of hypocritical whores. I'm sick of it. All I hear is, "All guys want is sex and then they're done with you." Well don't rope me in with those egomanical fucktards. Sex is awesome, no doubt, but there's so much more to a relationship. Whatever happened to holding hands while walking through the park? Or am I just too old school for this world?
So that's gotta be it, I'm too nice and too respectful. I've been single for 8 years because of it. Maybe I should act like an asshole to everyone. It seems like they're the ones who stay in relationships. I'm just tired of being alone and not having anyone there for me.
Sorry for the emo bitchingfest, the relationship problems, coupled with work and physical crap. OH WAIT! I need surgery too! Happy fucking times. It's really a wonder how I stay so positive.
If it wasn't for my music playing/writing, music in general, or my dog...I'd seriously have nothing.
arrr indeed my trusty, plundering friend. arrr indeed.
So that's gotta be it, I'm too nice and too respectful. I've been single for 8 years because of it. Maybe I should act like an asshole to everyone. It seems like they're the ones who stay in relationships. I'm just tired of being alone and not having anyone there for me.
Sorry for the emo bitchingfest, the relationship problems, coupled with work and physical crap. OH WAIT! I need surgery too! Happy fucking times. It's really a wonder how I stay so positive.
If it wasn't for my music playing/writing, music in general, or my dog...I'd seriously have nothing.

i'm a horror kid at heart but i'm open to all kinds of suggestions. i'm really just a big movie junkie.