B-day is done and over, not too bad. We went out Friday night and I think I might have seen the Jersey Devil's wing, if not, that's the biggest bat wing I've ever seen. I have off all these week..WOO VACATION ! So maybe I'll get off my ass, put some new pics up, not only of some nature shots but maybe some new ones of me. I mean, the ones I have now are kinda old. I'm a bum, what can I say. Many thanks and much love to all those who wished me a happy b-day. It makes me feel nice, the only others who did so were a couple of my friends, my mom and her boyfriend, my brother, my uncle and my grandma. Of course, nothing from pops, but I didn't expect it anyway. No skin off my ass, cuz I make more money then he does now. BOO YAH. Also Saffi sent me a message on myspace, she's such a sweetie. Thanks again, I can always use some cheer. ^_^
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Thank you!