I don't celebrate Valentine's Day.
"Why not?" you ask surprised, "now that you HAVE someone?!"
No, it's not because I'm some kind of heathen, and I'm not going to lecture you about some "Saint" in jail and something about his head getting lopped off and how that doesn't seem all that fucking romantic to me...and blah blah blah...
No...I don't celebrate Valentine's day because it would make me a hypocrite. After all those long years of being alone on V-Day... Of ritually wearing black to commemorate my shriveled, broken heart... WHY would I suddenly become one of those disgusting couples all drooly over each other...my poor husband stressed for weeks about getting the "right" dinner reservation...the "right" card... Me, stressed about whether the poor fucker will even REMEMBER the holiday?
Yeah, that doesn't sound much like me, does it?
I have two happy Valentine's day memories...
One involved a bottle of whiskey and an ice cream cake...
The other involved a friend asking me to be his valentine from 3k miles away. I accepted...and for the rest of that god forsaken day, every time I saw some stupid heart shaped box of chocolates, teddy bear holding a rose, or some other such ridiculousness...I didn't want to kill myself. True, I wasn't WITH a valentine, but I HAD one.
Five months later, I married him! 40 weeks after THAT, we had our son. Now we're one happy non-valentine's day celebrating family!!!
Oh...and if you forget to get your sweetheart something? You can get something cool HERE, and I'll even get your back and say it was late because of shipping!!! Yeah, cuz I just love ya' like that!!!
So...y'know...happy un-valentine's day folks!!!
"Why not?" you ask surprised, "now that you HAVE someone?!"
No, it's not because I'm some kind of heathen, and I'm not going to lecture you about some "Saint" in jail and something about his head getting lopped off and how that doesn't seem all that fucking romantic to me...and blah blah blah...
No...I don't celebrate Valentine's day because it would make me a hypocrite. After all those long years of being alone on V-Day... Of ritually wearing black to commemorate my shriveled, broken heart... WHY would I suddenly become one of those disgusting couples all drooly over each other...my poor husband stressed for weeks about getting the "right" dinner reservation...the "right" card... Me, stressed about whether the poor fucker will even REMEMBER the holiday?
Yeah, that doesn't sound much like me, does it?
I have two happy Valentine's day memories...
One involved a bottle of whiskey and an ice cream cake...
The other involved a friend asking me to be his valentine from 3k miles away. I accepted...and for the rest of that god forsaken day, every time I saw some stupid heart shaped box of chocolates, teddy bear holding a rose, or some other such ridiculousness...I didn't want to kill myself. True, I wasn't WITH a valentine, but I HAD one.
Five months later, I married him! 40 weeks after THAT, we had our son. Now we're one happy non-valentine's day celebrating family!!!
Oh...and if you forget to get your sweetheart something? You can get something cool HERE, and I'll even get your back and say it was late because of shipping!!! Yeah, cuz I just love ya' like that!!!
So...y'know...happy un-valentine's day folks!!!
BTW, that was the cutest little hearing aid valentine I've ever seen. I love it to pieces! Thanks!