ok so I was going to post something different but something funny happened today.
keep in mind that I RARELY speak to people I don't know especially on potentially sensative issues. That being said here's my story.
I was standing on the side of the road waiting for a crosswalk signal. Beside me is a semi-cowboy looking guy smoking a cigarette.
Him: *HAAAAACK!!! Cough cough sputter sputter*
I turn and look at him. I don't want anyone choke to death standing right next to me.
He waves me away nodding his head while continueing to cough.
Me: "Welcome to Marlboro country."
that suprised him so much he stopped coughing. He stares at me for a second then looks down at the cigarette in his hand.
Him in a deep southern accent; "Damnit, man! You're right!"
He throws the cigarette angrily to the gutter as the walk signal comes on. We cross the street together and he throws a pack of Reds in the trash can, smiles and nods to me and dissapears around the corner as I walk into the CVS.
hmmm... cool but weird...
ADDED: If you like metal bands with female lead singers check out a band called The Missing. They rock. HARD. plus the lead singer DM is an EMT in NYC and she keeps the single most interesting livejournal I have ever seen. plus she's hot in a psychotic "oops I just shot your mom in the ass, now lets go throw shit off a brigde" kind of way. if you don't believe me then here.
keep in mind that I RARELY speak to people I don't know especially on potentially sensative issues. That being said here's my story.
I was standing on the side of the road waiting for a crosswalk signal. Beside me is a semi-cowboy looking guy smoking a cigarette.
Him: *HAAAAACK!!! Cough cough sputter sputter*
I turn and look at him. I don't want anyone choke to death standing right next to me.
He waves me away nodding his head while continueing to cough.
Me: "Welcome to Marlboro country."
that suprised him so much he stopped coughing. He stares at me for a second then looks down at the cigarette in his hand.
Him in a deep southern accent; "Damnit, man! You're right!"
He throws the cigarette angrily to the gutter as the walk signal comes on. We cross the street together and he throws a pack of Reds in the trash can, smiles and nods to me and dissapears around the corner as I walk into the CVS.
hmmm... cool but weird...
ADDED: If you like metal bands with female lead singers check out a band called The Missing. They rock. HARD. plus the lead singer DM is an EMT in NYC and she keeps the single most interesting livejournal I have ever seen. plus she's hot in a psychotic "oops I just shot your mom in the ass, now lets go throw shit off a brigde" kind of way. if you don't believe me then here.
Marlboro country looks more like New York, Phillip-Morris' HQ, until their recent move to Virginia. Imagine! The Marlboro Man is from honky-tonk New York City! This is Winston-Salem country! We smoke Real Cigarettes here, with real tar and real cancer!
Your "convert" wasn't quitting! He was merely putting down a sissy women's-brand cigarette and picking up a manly-man's brand! Great job getting the guy to switch brands. You weren't trying to help him quit, you were just promoting the local economy. I bet your work for those corporate heads. I'll bet there's a pic of you in a Stetson and buttless chaps, with plenty of dirt, promoting Winston-Salem cigarettes. It's probably on the highway somewhere right now.
nope but there ARE pictures of me in assless chaps and a gimp mask with a dildo that weights ten pounds.
that donkey wasn't happy
Me- Somehow I don't think that would make me want to buy cigs. Maybe Pepto Bismol.