damn it people what is it going to take for you to wake up? Do they need to start building ovens behind gitmo? how about starting a regestry for everyone who isnt white straight and Protestant?
you just keep saying that voting and protesting dont matter. you keep buying that poison that carries huge government taxes on it. how much does a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of JD cost? guess how much of that gets stuffed in Uncle Sam's jackboot. you think the government is oppressing you buy taxing that shit and telling you its bad for you? Suprise dumbass they want you to get hammered six nights a week. That means you arent advancing your position in life. You arent helping other people when you're pssed out hugging your shitter. They dont want you building new homes for the "inferior n*ggers, Sp*cs, k*kes, and towel heads." They want you so drunk or stoned or just generally fucked up that you wont realize it when they pass laws that makes it ok to listen to what you say to your dear old auntie on the phone so that when she says "I wish so and so got elected so they wouldn't have cut my medicare and your uncle's pension" they can say she's commited treason and blow that back of her head off.
Where will YOU be when they come for you? On your knees so that they can put one in the back of your head while some other aryan fucktard rapes your wife/girlfriend to death? Me? They'll have to shoot me in the face, and when they do my thumb will come off the dead man's switch taking them with me.
I'm Pagan and I have had more people tell me they think I should be burned at the stake along with the rest of the "god hating heathens" in the last few months than well EVER! Does that make you mad? It should, If it doesnt then FUCK YOU!!!! You're part of the fucking problem then and you should have the shit slapped out of you until you realise that everyone deserves the right to be who they are.
You aren't pro-life, you're pro facism. Dont push you ideals on me you right wing pile scrapings from a whores ass. I'm not telling anyone to be like me expect that they should care about other people enough to leave them alone.
"Oh but V it isnt that bad!" oh it isn't? Well maybe not yet but its getting there pretty fucking fast. As long as we have a federal government telling us that they think abortions are wrong, with holding life saving treatments because they are made from stem cells, publicly stating the most pathetic proclomation I've ever heard "god created adam and eve not adam and steve" and GIVING MONEY TO NEO-NAZI ORGANIZATIONS we are in deep shit! I was brought up to believe this country was founded on personal freedom. Now its personal freedom as long as your a white republican male christian.
put down the bottle, put out the cigarette, stop buying pot x acid and whatever shit you think makes you smarter (by cutting off oxygen to different parts of your brain) and go out and help somebody, read a book that makes you think, stand up for some else's rights, vote and/or protest.
Dont hate all christians! just hate the ones who say you have to be one too! don't hate all republicans! just hate the ones who refuse to compromise don't hate all cops! hate the ones who beat the ever living fuck out of an eighty pound hippy chick with a "Good Bush/Bad Bush" sign at a protest rally. don't hate all the state patrolmen! hate the ones who pull over black guys driving BMWs because they're going 2 miles over the speed limit.
Fuck it! I don't care if you agree with me just as long as you're thinking for yourself! There isn't a Hitler motherfucker on this planet that can take away ANY right as long as as many of us as possible are thinking for ourselves.
I'm mad at you but I still love you. ALL of you. even the assholes. I just want us all to be ok.
you just keep saying that voting and protesting dont matter. you keep buying that poison that carries huge government taxes on it. how much does a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of JD cost? guess how much of that gets stuffed in Uncle Sam's jackboot. you think the government is oppressing you buy taxing that shit and telling you its bad for you? Suprise dumbass they want you to get hammered six nights a week. That means you arent advancing your position in life. You arent helping other people when you're pssed out hugging your shitter. They dont want you building new homes for the "inferior n*ggers, Sp*cs, k*kes, and towel heads." They want you so drunk or stoned or just generally fucked up that you wont realize it when they pass laws that makes it ok to listen to what you say to your dear old auntie on the phone so that when she says "I wish so and so got elected so they wouldn't have cut my medicare and your uncle's pension" they can say she's commited treason and blow that back of her head off.
Where will YOU be when they come for you? On your knees so that they can put one in the back of your head while some other aryan fucktard rapes your wife/girlfriend to death? Me? They'll have to shoot me in the face, and when they do my thumb will come off the dead man's switch taking them with me.
I'm Pagan and I have had more people tell me they think I should be burned at the stake along with the rest of the "god hating heathens" in the last few months than well EVER! Does that make you mad? It should, If it doesnt then FUCK YOU!!!! You're part of the fucking problem then and you should have the shit slapped out of you until you realise that everyone deserves the right to be who they are.
You aren't pro-life, you're pro facism. Dont push you ideals on me you right wing pile scrapings from a whores ass. I'm not telling anyone to be like me expect that they should care about other people enough to leave them alone.
"Oh but V it isnt that bad!" oh it isn't? Well maybe not yet but its getting there pretty fucking fast. As long as we have a federal government telling us that they think abortions are wrong, with holding life saving treatments because they are made from stem cells, publicly stating the most pathetic proclomation I've ever heard "god created adam and eve not adam and steve" and GIVING MONEY TO NEO-NAZI ORGANIZATIONS we are in deep shit! I was brought up to believe this country was founded on personal freedom. Now its personal freedom as long as your a white republican male christian.
put down the bottle, put out the cigarette, stop buying pot x acid and whatever shit you think makes you smarter (by cutting off oxygen to different parts of your brain) and go out and help somebody, read a book that makes you think, stand up for some else's rights, vote and/or protest.
Dont hate all christians! just hate the ones who say you have to be one too! don't hate all republicans! just hate the ones who refuse to compromise don't hate all cops! hate the ones who beat the ever living fuck out of an eighty pound hippy chick with a "Good Bush/Bad Bush" sign at a protest rally. don't hate all the state patrolmen! hate the ones who pull over black guys driving BMWs because they're going 2 miles over the speed limit.
Fuck it! I don't care if you agree with me just as long as you're thinking for yourself! There isn't a Hitler motherfucker on this planet that can take away ANY right as long as as many of us as possible are thinking for ourselves.
I'm mad at you but I still love you. ALL of you. even the assholes. I just want us all to be ok.
WEll, I KNOW that wasn't meant for me, so I'll just ask who the fuck you are writing that for? All of "us"? Ok, but what name specifically comes to mind when you reread what you have written?
Damn I love politics.
Love Much