Sunday Jun 17, 2012 Jun 17, 2012 1 Facebook Tweet Email I am trying to style my hair differently, with curls, but it is not easy to keep em!!! I do not like chemicals, nor iron flat any suggestions? VIEW 8 of 8 COMMENTS holga: thaks to all for the compliment and the advises!!! Arroia I want to stop using the iron flat because I am afraid to abuse of my hair. tillykate I think I have tried that before, I am not sure GiniColorful intentar setearme a ver cual es la que es Jun 18, 2012 gtrbones: Don't have any advice for you except to say that you're so adorable and beautiful no matter what you do with your hair! <3 Jun 19, 2012
Arroia I want to stop using the iron flat because I am afraid to abuse of my hair. tillykate I think I have tried that before, I am not sure
GiniColorful intentar setearme a ver cual es la que es