Tonight should be interesting. I'm not sure if this girl is interested in me, but I suppose I'll know by the end of the night.
May the drinking begin!
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday!!!
I don't believe in hell. I don't believe in any sort of higher power, at least not in terms of an intelligent being that created us all. (As anti-superstition as I am, I still believe in fate to a degree.) I don't think that if you're a bad person or a blasphemer you go to a place made of fire and suffering and pain for...
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i don't believe in hell either.
also, i know its hard not to worry about a job but SOMETHING will come around. not too long ago i was in the same spot as you are. it will happen. just think positively. and apply for everythinggggg.

also, good for you on slowly quitting smoking. and veggies are hot.
All those bullet points are good things. smile
I had a great time at the SGChicago meet up last night. Met a ton of people, made quite a few new friends. Overall, good times. I also wanted to say that it really was a pleasure meeting all of you guys last night, can't wait 'til the next meet up.

I'm not even going to talk about the BSG ending. It blew my mind...
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i found you miss new booty? hah.
SGC meet up tomorrow and an XKCD meet up the day after that. Hopefully I'll make some friends and find a job in the next few days.
My obsession with coffee is growing stronger by the day.
Awesome meeting you man. Hope you had a good time smile
It was a pleasure to meet you last night, and I also hope that you had a good time.
Time to get drunk.
See you lovely ladies and genial gentlemen in the 'morrow.

Much love.
dude don't even tempt me. if i had money i would totally take the bus to chicago, i have the next two days off.
The shoot went down on Sunday. They told me that I did really well and I even heard from some very reliable sources that I did well, but I rarely believe that. Either way, I had a good time while I was shooting and it got me interested in taking some acting classes. I was planning on taking some improv classes at Second City when...
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Auditioned for a role in a student film today. Doubt that I'll get it though, seeing as how rusty* I was. Either way, I hope that it turns out well. The people doing it are friends of my brother and the story, while short, seemed pretty good.

Tomorrow is the St. Patrick's Day parade, so there will be much drinking and debauchery over the next...
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aw thanks. your new profile picture is cute! smile
We will definitely be at lots of SG Chicago events. I'm excited!
I think that once I can actually afford to add an internet package to my Blackberry's service plan, I'll truly be obsessed with Twitter. There is something about being able to tell anyone and everyone that you're hands are cold, or that you saw a pretty girl or that you are impossibly drunk and plan on marrying said pretty girl even though you don't quite...
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thank you dear kiss
Finished reading The Stand early last night and followed it up with On Writing by Stephen King.

It had been years since I read a King book, which is strange because he's always been one of my favorite authors. I think a part of me didn't want to like him because he was so overly popular, much like Steven Spielberg. When it comes down to...
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Holy crap.
The new Star Trek trailer makes me want to be a Trekkie. Which is probably some form of blasphemy.