In a few minutes I'm going to Miss Fabulous' house... I get to sleep with her tonight and help take care of her little child in the morning... maybe do some dishes... le sigh... makes me feel really nice. We went to the FlyBy Night club tonight, funny funny stuff and I got to make out with her in a bar! Yay for firsts!
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 14, 2004
::glares at stack of red zines:: Stupid zines should re-write them… -
Wednesday Jan 14, 2004
It comes and goes a lot now... it had been, what, maybe a week? This… -
Tuesday Jan 13, 2004
yarr.... wench. K, enough pirate jabber for now. So you know what… -
Sunday Jan 11, 2004
Holden A. will soon be leaving Alaska for a while. So, maybe I'll … -
Saturday Jan 10, 2004
Friday Jan 09, 2004
Ah yes, its nice to know that I can get the sum total of the last two… -
Thursday Jan 08, 2004
I got to hob nob with a whole lot of the Anchorage Arts community. I… -
Monday Jan 05, 2004
I miss writing my Zine... Not PaxZine, but Flowers... my pubic Dia… -
Monday Jan 05, 2004
BLAH! There is a lack of entry level job openings in this town, a la… -
Friday Jan 02, 2004
My partner for the last five months or so, whose two year old kid I h…
Luv Sinn