So I just got an e-mail about that job in Las Vegas! Apparantly, they want to know if I'm still interested and are willing to fly me out for an interview!!!!!
I had totally and bitterly blown off that job, after no one contacted me for a month. So I'm trying to be realistic. This could be a Lucy-and-the-football situation. Especially considering the fact my...
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You know what group I've been listening to a lot lately? Interpol. That album is really good.
They're a total Jackie band. That's the name of this woman I used to hang out with who was really, really into groups like Interpol, The Strokes and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Those fashion-y, 80s rip off groups.
It's odd that I associate certain bands with women (Counting...
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Just got back from a 3-day weekend, which was nice.
Met Alex's new girlfriend Thursday night. She's pretty cool. She was telling me that Alex really wants me to move back to Baton Rouge. That's something I would love to do, but I need to find a job over there first! It was nice to hear that he wanted me living over there and she...
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Today was an awful day. I made a huge-ass mistake, so I had to run a correction and feel like a moron. On top of that, because I didn't sleep last night, I was groggy all day long.
Had an awful sandwich at Quizno's for dinner. The bacon tasted like plastic.
Oh well, one more day and it's the weekend.
Today has to be better for you!
Here is a kiss for your head.
Uhhh....I hate insomnia. I'll doze off at 3 a.m. and spring up when that alarm rings at 7:30 a.m.!
Been reading a couple of good books after a period of illiteracy.
One is "Human Punk." by this guy John King (I think that's his name and the book is over by my bed and I'm too bloody lazy to check.) It takes three looks at...
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OK, I haven't posted on here in ages. But nothing intersting has been going on. I've gotten a couple of nibbles about cool jobs out of town, but nothing ever came of them. Plus, I've had horrible, horrible insomina. Like falling asleep at 3 a.m. type insomnia. Thank God my boss is cool, because she could have nailed me big time for constantly showing up...
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I've been obsessed with old David Bowie lately. Ordered "Hunky Dory" off of Amazon and listened to a dowloaded version of "Andy Warhol" a couple of times. Don't worry RIAA, I'm buying the album it is on!
Thought for today: Sofia Coppola would be about the perfect girlfriend. Think about it, she's creative, sensitive (as her fine movies have shown), she's got great taste in...
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OK, I haven't posted on here in ages. But nothing intersting has been going on. I've gotten a couple of nibbles about cool jobs out of town, but nothing ever came of them. Plus, I've had horrible, horrible insomina. Like falling asleep at 3 a.m. type insomnia. Thank God my boss is cool, because she could have nailed me big time for constantly showing up late.
You folks need to know that "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is an amazing, amazing movie. On the opposite foot, I rented "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" last weekend. I heard it was awful, but I had no idea. The Beatles wrote great, great, great songs, but in a musical, the lyrics have to make sense to move the plot along. As amazing a song as "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is, it makes no sense. The most telling point about the movie is the last scene is a mock-up of the album cover, with famous people involved. Now, when I think of big bands in 1977-78, I think The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, KISS. But this crappy movie has Sha Na Nah, Johnny Winter and Peter Allen involved.
OK, I haven't posted on here in ages. But nothing intersting has been going on. I've gotten a couple of nibbles about cool jobs out of town, but nothing ever came of them. Plus, I've had horrible, horrible insomina. Like falling asleep at 3 a.m. type insomnia. Thank God my boss is cool, because she could have nailed me big time for constantly showing up late.
You folks need to know that "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is an amazing, amazing movie. On the opposite foot, I rented "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" last weekend. I heard it was awful, but I had no idea. The Beatles wrote great, great, great songs, but in a musical, the lyrics have to make sense to move the plot along. As amazing a song as "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" is, it makes no sense. The most telling point about the movie is the last scene is a mock-up of the album cover, with famous people involved. Now, when I think of big bands in 1977-78, I think The Ramones, The Sex Pistols, Fleetwood Mac, The Eagles, KISS. But this crappy movie has Sha Na Nah, Johnny Winter and Peter Allen involved.
I'm a little tipsy while writing this, so bear with me. I went out for a couple of post-work beers with some fellow employees.
Today, I was listening to a live version of "Watch That Man" by David Bowie. Now, I know Vice magazine did a list of the greatest cocaine songs. This is an overlooked classic from that genre. I swear, when you hear...
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OK, is anyone reading this? Or am I just blowing off steam?
See the problem is, I don't want to get too personal on this -- the last thing I want is some 18-year-old making fun of the oldish guy for having a Guided By Voices song in his head. (Not that I'm oldish, God knows I look and act younger than I am.)
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Nothing like working all day long, then driving 3 1/2 hours so you can make an early morning meeting. At least I'm in a comfortable hotel with a nice bed.
The trip didn't go too bad, I brought some good albums with me...the last three Elliot Smith records, "The Soft Bulletin" by The Flaming Lips and the Cheap Trick album with "Surrender" on it. Plus...
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OK, today was the day I caught up on phone calls with family and friends. Found out a friend of mine is working on a political campaign for Krist Novoselic (the ex-Nirvana bass player)! He's running for Lt. Gov. of Washington. She said he's a nice, funny guy who's really serious about politics. I've got to swing a trip out to Seattle so I can...
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I'm worried that I might be slightly depressed...whenever I don't have any plans for the weekend, I sleep for 15+ hours a day. That can't be good.
Although today was a good day for sleeping. The weather was crappy and there was nothing going on.
I watched some of "Waking Life" which was a pretty damn good movie. Then I drank beer at a bar...
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