I was at the Irish Pub and they had a cool bluegrass band playing, well they play every Thursday, but go along with my story, OK.
They did covers of "My Band" by D-12, "Toxic" by Britney Spears, "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses and "Rapper's Delight" by the Sugar Hill Gang.
This goofy post was designed to take attention away from the fact I'm...
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Saw the strangest sign in the laundry room in my apartment complex. You know how there are usually all these "for sale" fliers in laundry rooms, people selling couches, DVD players, XBoxes, that sort of crap? Well, this was a flier for adult movies -- 12 on DVD and 4 on VHS tape.
The idea of going into a guy's apartment and browsing through his...
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Had a going away party for a good friend of mine at work Friday night...we ended up in this kareoke bar that looked like a set out of a David Lynch movie. For the past couple of going away parties, the evening has wrapped up there. Hard core alcoholics with word class mullets who were missing teeth. Some guy who was wearing slippers and kept...
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I'm still waiting to hear about the Vegas job. You know what's strange? At first I wasn't that interested in the job, now I'm hoping they contact me to tell me that I have it. God knows nothing has happened to make the place more appealing. I guess I just want a change and am desperate for any kind of change....
Plus, I've got friends...
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I kind of stole this from Nick Hornby....
People get worried about violent movies and how they affect children. But the worst thing about movies is how they affect our view of love.
I mean, we all want to meet someone who will love us like people do in a movie. And we all think after we tell someone we love them, or care deeply...
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OK, I'm little tipsy. Been to the Irish Pub.
I/m in this horrible navel-gazing mode. And it all focuses around work....Am I good at what I do for a living?
I mean, people at work like me, but is it because I'm a funny guy? Or they just wrong?
And the people I deal with like me. Is it because I'm too easy on them?...
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I always like when people like me,
however, if they dont, then they dont.

I have found that in my aging, I dropped the tough girl act and actually am a considerably nice person

good luck on the job.
Haven't written in a while. Been busy with work. Plus the insomnia thing has kicked in again.
I'm reading a great book "The Devil in the White City" It's about the Chicago World's Fair in 1893 and this serial killer who was preying on young women around the city. It's non-fiction and really interesting. Life was pretty rough back then (people died all the time...
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Ummm...I haven't written much lately.
Work has been blah. The weather here has been pretty, however.
I've been watching "The Singing Detective" which is excellent. The TV show, not the movie remake. That's one of the most original things I've seen in a while.
I'm going to Baton Rouge Friday-Saturday. Then on May 10, off to Vegas!!!!
Spent more than 6 hours in a car to get up here in Oxford, Miss. Kind of an odd town. It's really rural around the college. If you make one wrong turn, you'll end up on a narrow country road, with no lights.
Staying in a nasty hotel. Comfort Inn, my ass!
At least I'll get to see David Halberstram speak tomorrow night. If I...
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yeah, kill bill 2 was great!!!
The weekend is winding down...I'm just doing some laundry.
This was a pretty dull weekend. Saw "Kill Bill 2", which would have been better had it been combined with the first one. The whole "Kill Bill 1" and "2" deal was like getting a plate of spaghetti and meatballs, eating all the meatballs first, than eating the pasta and sauce. It's better if you combine...
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This was a good day in a bizzare way.
I got a call from Vegas! In fact I got two calls and a couple of e-mails -- I'm going out there May 10-12 for a job interview. They're paying for my flight out of here and putting me up in a hotel downtown.
I was stressed out all day over this assignment I got dropped...
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