I address here directly, and in a fairly careful way, what Lawrence Summers, then President of Harvard University and now Chief economic advisor to President Obama, postied about differences in the variance of innate ability -- aptitude -- of men and women in math and the sciences as his best guess about the observed differences at the high end of the bell curve, so to...
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Our dog is sick and likely is going to have to be put to sleep soon. I just don't like the idea of an unnatural end, but dogs can't talk to you. It's difficult. How to be kind, without being cruel.
Women like attention from men and men with power.
Men seem to like power. It's funny. I can see this in as silly a...
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Women like attention from men and men with power.
Men seem to like power. It's funny. I can see this in as silly a...
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I will have to make the same decision with my poor old Samantha soon....not looking forward to it in the least.

That was a awesome thing to share =)
Here's an exchange I had with a friend on ghettos in America, prompted by the heinous murder of 3 young black teens on the south side last weekend:
Person 1: Do you think the black community needs to take care of the problem of inner city violence itself; or do you view white America as having an obligation?
By obligation, I mean one which flows...
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Person 1: Do you think the black community needs to take care of the problem of inner city violence itself; or do you view white America as having an obligation?
By obligation, I mean one which flows...
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I'm sure it's haematology as wel there, it's just the fancier way of writing it.
ITP means idiopathic trombocytopenic purpura. So low platelets count indeed. But you said trombocytosis, that's to much platelets
Thanks for the bday wishes!
ITP means idiopathic trombocytopenic purpura. So low platelets count indeed. But you said trombocytosis, that's to much platelets

Thanks for the bday wishes!
Jimmy Carter is stupid now. And he was stupid then.
An accident of history. A pea-brained peanut farmer, someone let out of Georgia.
An accident of history. A pea-brained peanut farmer, someone let out of Georgia.
A Note on the Distribution of Income in the United States
Over the last 40 years, the Gini coefficient for disposable income in the United States has increased almost constantly. A (Republican) Princeton economist and member of the President's Council of Economic Advisers (a tax policy expert btw) pointed this out to me in the OEOB in 1991. The US Gini coefficient went from approximately...
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Over the last 40 years, the Gini coefficient for disposable income in the United States has increased almost constantly. A (Republican) Princeton economist and member of the President's Council of Economic Advisers (a tax policy expert btw) pointed this out to me in the OEOB in 1991. The US Gini coefficient went from approximately...
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Love that movie