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Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
I'm massively bored right now. I don't have enough motivation to do a… -
Tuesday Apr 13, 2004
I try so hard to be anyone else but me. But how can that be? I'm no… -
Monday Apr 12, 2004
I bought the latest MAD magazine. I thought for a minute about applyi… -
Monday Apr 12, 2004
Isn't it a little weird when your boyfriend's step-father starts talk… -
Thursday Apr 08, 2004
Woo-hoo! I leave tomorrow after ecopsych with Jamie and Adam. So I… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2004
I can survive two more days. I've had to wait a month in between ever… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2004
does anyone else remember when students actually had respect for prof… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2004
I remember when LifeSavers had a little red pull tab, kind of like my… -
Wednesday Apr 07, 2004
Friday is sneaking up on me. I can't wait. Jamie, Adam and I won't be… -
Tuesday Apr 06, 2004
I've noticed qualities in myself that I have previously despised in o…
So this grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender's like, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!" And the grasshopper goes, "Really? You have a drink called Jim?"
OK, OK, so I have the same sense of humor as a second grader.