I try so hard to be anyone else but me.
But how can that be?
I'm not even quite sure who I am yet.
When others describe me, words like 'unique' and 'different' are used so frequently.
I can't tell if it's good or bad.
Or if I even care.
I want to be the one he fell in love with,
But I'm not quite sure which personality
Which outfit
Which hairstyle, hair color
He fell for.
Could it be: he fell for the whole package?
Decided he loved the schizophrenic personality I thrive on?
So what does it matter what 'group' I fit under,
Or what 'clique' I fit into
(today it might be punk, tomorrow a little goth, maybe a little jock or an army brat. next week i may feel a little preppy, or even androgynous)
As long as I can love myself--
he can love me back.
That's all that matters...
But how can that be?
I'm not even quite sure who I am yet.
When others describe me, words like 'unique' and 'different' are used so frequently.
I can't tell if it's good or bad.
Or if I even care.
I want to be the one he fell in love with,
But I'm not quite sure which personality
Which outfit
Which hairstyle, hair color
He fell for.
Could it be: he fell for the whole package?
Decided he loved the schizophrenic personality I thrive on?
So what does it matter what 'group' I fit under,
Or what 'clique' I fit into
(today it might be punk, tomorrow a little goth, maybe a little jock or an army brat. next week i may feel a little preppy, or even androgynous)
As long as I can love myself--
he can love me back.
That's all that matters...