i was in a car accident today. i'm fine, but my car was dinged up some. the man that hit me decided that he needed to get into the turn lane even though my car was in his way. it didn't seem to bother him at all that he had hit me, and once the police had been called, he jumped back in his car and ate chicken until they got there. fuck him. the whole front bumper fell the fuck off of his cadillac, and he got the ticket. he deserved it. fucking douche bag. it'll be monday before i can get my car in to be fixed and get a rental.
on top of all that drama, i'm coming down with some kind of red monkey syphilis. my body aches, my eyes are watery, my throat is congested, and i'm running a fever. fuckin' a.
on the lighter side, my birthday weekend was pretty fucking decent. i had a gay ol' time. literally. well....almost. thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes.
school is going pretty well.
ashton and demi got married. really, who fucking cares?
i'm trying to quit smoking. my quest to be nicotine free would be going alot smoother if everyone i know weren't a tobacco fiend. (i steal their cigarettes). aside from the stolen cigarettes and the occasional pack of cheap cigars, i've managed to cut way back. pretty good, no?
you bitches got a nice, juicy update this time. be grateful.
on top of all that drama, i'm coming down with some kind of red monkey syphilis. my body aches, my eyes are watery, my throat is congested, and i'm running a fever. fuckin' a.
on the lighter side, my birthday weekend was pretty fucking decent. i had a gay ol' time. literally. well....almost. thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes.
school is going pretty well.
ashton and demi got married. really, who fucking cares?
i'm trying to quit smoking. my quest to be nicotine free would be going alot smoother if everyone i know weren't a tobacco fiend. (i steal their cigarettes). aside from the stolen cigarettes and the occasional pack of cheap cigars, i've managed to cut way back. pretty good, no?
you bitches got a nice, juicy update this time. be grateful.
I'm glad you escaped your accident harm free and I hope you're feeling better by now. Your birthday was lots of fun, I think we need to have a party for halloween.

we changed it to "terianists" because "teri-ists" sounds too much like terrorist.. heh