It has been 7 months since I last posted in my journal (except for the crazy chicken dish with side of man pic...which I promptly removed). That is all.
I am such a fan of the Anne of Green Gables series!
It's been 7 months since I last posted in my journal. That is all.
Well, went to Chicago last week and was sick the whole time. It sucked. Spent this week getting better. Leaving tomorrow to go to Dallas for a week. Really not looking forward to it. If it was a personal trip then yeah...but it's all business. Oh well, I shouldn't whine to much, my bills are paid and then some. Anyway...that's my life right now. It's...
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Sick the past couple of days. Feeling better now. Going out of town for a week. Talk to ya later...
Happy Thanksgiving to all! Be safe and enjoy the day smile

Thanks to all who wished me a happy birthday. I had a pretty good day. Worked and then spent the evening with my man. It was very enjoyable. Oh, and my coworkers gave me more Emily Strange magnets! I now have a plethora of Emily Strange memorabilia at my desk/cube and I love it!

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WOW! It's been awhile since I've been online, I feel so..isolated! Anyway, got a promotion at work *woohoo* and I am loving it but I am way busy all the time now. Life is good and it's great to be back! biggrin

Oh and the only sucky thing about my promotion is that I had to remove my facial piercings (bi-lateral labrets and septum). I really...
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Happy Birthday!!! Party hard!!
happy, happy birthday, new friend!

Well, we are going camping this weekend! I haven't been camping in years and I'm really looking forward to it. It's supposed to rain though. Oh well! All part of the great outdoors! ooo aaa

Well, camping was cancelled because my man got called in and had to work a 24 hours shift Sat-Sun. Well, what can I say...dammit! mad
you wrote: Hey Jayne! How's the hero of Canton?

we LOVE the firefly. and as today, only 159 days until the movie debuts.

how about heinlein's time enough for love?

perhaps we should be sg friends...

a request has been sent!

Well, my boyfriend is working a 24 hour shift and I am home alone tonight. I hate being home alone at night. Can't sleep. Hear noises. General paranoia will ensue shortly. Drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes to stay awake till the sun comes up and it's safe to sleep again. *jumps* Did you hear that? eeek
24 hour shift???!! dear god, i thought my 17 hour one was brutal, what the hell does he do??
He's a paramedic. smile