Our president is a fucking idiot, I wanna grab the tv and throw it. Speaking of the invasion of Iraq. . . Afganistan is where Osama was in the begining. Better yet, lets send the entire Bin Laden family that was in our possesion back home so they can hide Osama. To get him outta sight as quickly as possible before we even got in the vacinity of any country over there. Hell, lets send the entire family back without interrogating them as we should have
. Bush makes me want to vommit. I'm proud to be an American let me tell you, I got a retard for a president. I am so fucking proud of that. note sarcasm.
In the conclusion of the debate, our president made one truthfull statement of character. His statement of the fact we would continue to "fight terrorists on their grounds instead of here". I for one respect that statement because it is the truth of his character.
Still to this day I have lost my ability to be proud of being an American due to Bush alone. Honestly, what the fuck is going on here?

In the conclusion of the debate, our president made one truthfull statement of character. His statement of the fact we would continue to "fight terrorists on their grounds instead of here". I for one respect that statement because it is the truth of his character.
Still to this day I have lost my ability to be proud of being an American due to Bush alone. Honestly, what the fuck is going on here?
I agree...
I really think the debates exemplified the fact that Bush is a terrible speaker and a terrible leader.