My cousin just got into a motorcycle accident on friday. He was on his way to pick his girl up for lunch after we moved his stuff back to his parents house. He was goin down some road in jersey and a deer jumped out of a corn field and hit his front tire. Lucky bastard didn't get hurt too bad thankfully. He was goin about 50mph when he hit it. He just got scrapped up and bruised, did not even hit his head once. He has got to be the luckiest motherfucker i know, gets into a motorcycle accident at 50mph and the bike is more fucked then he is, let alone walks away from it. Thank god that sun of a bitch didn't die, i would be fucking pissed/upset.

hahaha i love the last line of this post the most..."Thank god that sun of a bitch didn't die, i would be fucking pissed/upset" hehe that was beautiful.
i'm glad he's okay! i was in a motorcycle accident jan 1st 2003 @ 1am
i was on the back of this guy's bike, and he was jus gonna be my ride from point A to point B...well, after a few beers (not me) and trying to show off--we slid down a paved street. i slid on my knee about 20-30 feet! you can see the scar on my right knee in my picts. i hate when ppl say "nice bruise"
i'm scared for life