Well last night was interesting .. . . i was supposed to chill with a girl named kat and it fell through. So i made my way to a bar with my buddy steve and we met up with christie and becca. The place would not let me in wearing a beater so i had to grab a t-shirt from the trunk of my car to go in. So i get inside and ordered a 3 wise men, jd, jw, and jb. I always thought 3 wise men was goldschlager, rumpleminze, and yagermeister. . . .. good thing i like whisky. They took a plastic cup and filled it 1/3 of the way wth the whiskies and i took it in one shot, killer combo i must say. Then we sat down at the other bar in the building and waited for the ladies to arrive. . . christie takes forever to get ready. So in the end we were all standin in the area were they had a band playin all these radio songs and shit which was pretty chill. We were dancin and shit and had a few girls grab me and start dancin with me which was cool, granted im a semi attention whore to some extent yet there is a first for everything. After we left there we all drove over to a dinner/pub and ate some food. While we were there me and steve almost almost ended up gettin arrested cause some fuck was belligerant and thought it a good thing to make a comment to our lady friends sayin they were fat. well me i sat there and shook my head i was like here we go. my boy steve being the psychotic redhead with a vicious temper starts goin back and fourth sayin shit with the asian fucker. me i was sittin there and looked at steve and looked at the table of four guys in their upper 30's to lower 40's and decided the moment they come close enough with out a word i would break my chair over the first guys head and then attack the rest. i did not feel like goin to jail, but my boy is sick and there would be no way he is gonna fight without me joining the fun. thankfully the older couple sittin across from us noticed the scene and got a manager involved and got the redneck white trash fuckers out. we thanked her as we left neither one of us felt like spendin any time with police. it was a rather great evening, however, yet again rednecks prove their white trash asses can make a horrible end to anything. me and steve probably would have gotten our asses kicked in the end, but one if not more of them fuckers would have gone to the hospital. it was an excellent weekend yet again.
Intentions. . . . .
Tied to the ceiling, standing humiliation
Tried to flee, but would always return
Beautiful stings on flesh an artist rendition
You castrate purity and strip the pleasure from pain
Savior of desire my darkest intention
Save me from this creation stain
Deliver my soul to its true wish
Set me free and my desire will burn
8/1/04 Decay

Intentions. . . . .
Tied to the ceiling, standing humiliation
Tried to flee, but would always return
Beautiful stings on flesh an artist rendition
You castrate purity and strip the pleasure from pain
Savior of desire my darkest intention
Save me from this creation stain
Deliver my soul to its true wish
Set me free and my desire will burn
8/1/04 Decay
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