I went to an irish festival in Bristol today, it was pretty cool. That and i live a couple miles from were it was held. i went there with my buddy steve and this girl named tammy. well i geuss i should say woman cause she is 28, but who cares i don't. Everyone is forever called kid by me. It was awesome we walked around for a bit then went into a bar and kicked a few back. they had this huge ass ship go through the water way there and i don't know how the fuckin thing didn't bottom out. We then left there and picked up steve's three year old son kamren and hung out at my house for a bit. then i dropped them all back off at their houses. I was glad they called cause i probably would have been bored today and i hate boredom.
you have photoshop you lucky bastard. My computer is too old to even be able to handle that program.
hmmm an irish festival? how come I never hear of these cool things until its too late?