Had a wonderful time. Finally bought an emearld to add to my gemstone collection. I am quite happy about that. Orient beach on St. Maarten was a good time as well. I forgot how much I love beaches. I have not been to one in a while.
meep meep, my birthday shall arrive in 5 days. buy me sumthin!! 

I love the beach too
Tommorow I leave for florida. Saturday I board the ship and go to the Virgin Islands and San Juan Peurto Rico. I hope this cruise is not as snobby as it seems. Then I will wish for the ship to sink so I can throw some arrogant fucks overboard. I hate snobby attitudes with an undying passion. I can not wait I'm jumping out of...
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Have fun lucky bastard

Comics to be read. . . .
"Preacher" - Garth Ennis, One of the most fucked up series of graphic novel comics I have read
"Berserk" an anime graphic novel comic that is to say the least fucked beyond imagination and deffinately worth reading and seeing the movie.
"Preacher" - Garth Ennis, One of the most fucked up series of graphic novel comics I have read
"Berserk" an anime graphic novel comic that is to say the least fucked beyond imagination and deffinately worth reading and seeing the movie.
mmm berserk
Its been a while for me to use this thing. Same shit different day I gues. Been doin a bit of the public drunkeness recently in Newtown and Doylestown. I never thought I could piss a friend off so much untill I tried to rip a painted mule of its stand in the center of Doylestown. Well, she was actually stopping both me and Ben...
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happy halloweeeeniie
being punk in drublic is always fun. I fully intend to experience that tomorrow, when I finally get a day off. Happy belated Halloween.
Neither good nor bad matter much anymore, but in absolution's devinity revealed. . . The calm may come. - Decay
This is a belated thanks for your comment on my set! Thanks!

i should definitely be around to give me guidance when wierd stuff happens... i should have asked that lady what her problem was huh? or socked it to her. But i'm really not the lashing out type... sigh. who knows?
oh god..elections make my head spin. I'm so glad i'm not involved in this one so that when the inevitable occurs, i can't feel like i'm in any way responsible... or be terribly disappointed if the party i voted for doesn't get the vote. Canadian politics are so tame compared to the US.
I just bought Braveheart on dvd last night. Thankfully I did, cause after only four hours of sleep I was woken up by everyone else in the house. So I got my grumpy underslept ass into the shower and sat still for almost 3 hours watching it.
its three hours long!?
This thing is just too fucking funny!
*put your name in it and it gives you a fucked up new name*
*put your name in it and it gives you a fucked up new name*
wanna hear a funny story? Its not ladies. Its Jared and fuckin Jen. THOSE 2 are the ones starting shit. Read my blogs, you'll see.

Wrath. . .
Failure to proceed. . . face it you lose.
The end of which you hold dear.
Your fate defied and the fruit visible.
Born dead, to live a nightmare.
Death's grip not tight enough.
Wrath of god's humor. . .
Slipping between the cracks somehow.
Doctors speed to save the blue child.
Mothers tears of joy and relief.
Rolling down her face,...
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Failure to proceed. . . face it you lose.
The end of which you hold dear.
Your fate defied and the fruit visible.
Born dead, to live a nightmare.
Death's grip not tight enough.
Wrath of god's humor. . .
Slipping between the cracks somehow.
Doctors speed to save the blue child.
Mothers tears of joy and relief.
Rolling down her face,...
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believe me, i AM ready to kill people!
maybe i should chill out....

i'm like that too. people sometimes think i'm bitter... or better yet... a feminist..
I just like to expel all those inner thoughts and they just usually happen to get out in the form of prose...
i'm actually a very sunshiny type of person though..
I just like to expel all those inner thoughts and they just usually happen to get out in the form of prose...
i'm actually a very sunshiny type of person though..
"Legacy of Kain - Defiance" Is a fucking amazing PS2 game, I love it. Just bought it four days ago and beaten it tonight. The puzzels in this rpg are fucking great.
sounds cool. You beat it in four days!?! damn. Video games are great.
Well, I just got laid off for the winter months. I will be working here and there, but no where near as much as summer time. My working season has officially ended, my favorite seasons about to begin. I hope all goes well this winter. As far as my bills they are paid off till march except my car bill cause in a few months...
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i just quit for the winter months. I can't say i'm sad about it. Hopefully you'll get enough work to keep you busy but still have enought time to have some fun..I hope all goes well for you this winter too!

Nah, seriously, I did cry. I always thought that even if you got a pit bull as a baby, it could still turn on you. But I think that's true for ALL doggies, not just pitbulls. That's why I won't own large dogs. I've been scared of dogs since I was little, cos one jumped at me thru a fence and scared me pissless. (I wasn't teasing it either, I was walking with my mum and minding my own business) Now, whenever I'm at a friends house who has a big dog (or any dog really) I put my hand out for it to sniff me, then pet it if it lets me. But I'm always gonna be scared of big dogs. LOL. Wow, but I'm still very upset. Same as cock fighting. I love
On other news tho - I hope you had a great New Year's