So I'm drunk I believe... I've had the estimatee amount that makes me "drunk"... two beers and two rather whicked white russians... the white russians i proportion wrong with too much vodka and too much kahlua. too little soy milk I think. This DVD keeps skipping and I keep asking it why. Tin Man... it's a strange version of Wizard of Oz... I think strange films and the strange things. I'm still working on this last beer but I can't concentrate fully. The words I type I can't even really see... they're blurry and incontienable. I don't know if I can spell either right now... it's kind of a dream within a dream. Oooohhh... a horsey, they're so awesome.
Nature is awesome.
In any case, the online radio station is up and running on the second week of December... not an official day for release yet, but it's gonna be there. Http:// will get you there and we'll have political talk featuring Hopeful Edan on her own political commentary show as well as some others. It's going to be a great radio station with political commentary, random talk, great music, and everything that we need in a radio station.
I promise my show won't be done while I'm drunk. Maybe not... bur perhaps... it will be a good show. I'm looking forward to seeing what Edan's show will be... she's an incredibly smart girl and everybody should give her props on her MR set. Go vote on her, her set's awesome and she's incredibly intelligent.
I am definitely not sober right now... but take my words at face valiew... I just type what I know is true... especially the intelligence of Edan.
The website for the radio station is still under-way and in construction but soon it should be up and running. Second week of december and tune in.
Again that website is
NSAR is the radio name... this stands for either "Not shitty ass radio" or "No String Attached Radio"
Depends on which commentator or owner you ask. I came up with Not Shitty Ass Radio... and my associate came up with No Strings Attached Radio... the abbreviation is good though:
How easy?
Feel free to Donate!!!! If you want to donate to the cause, send me a message and i'll figure out a way to get you ahold of the paypal for NSAR to donate.
We are not making anything off of this and it would be wonderful if we didn't have to pay for it out of our own pocket, but it's the thought that counts.
Anyhow... I'm drunk...
And I'm gonna stop typing...
I don't wanna put a plug for the radio station while I'm too fucked up...
DONATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!
Nature is awesome.
In any case, the online radio station is up and running on the second week of December... not an official day for release yet, but it's gonna be there. Http:// will get you there and we'll have political talk featuring Hopeful Edan on her own political commentary show as well as some others. It's going to be a great radio station with political commentary, random talk, great music, and everything that we need in a radio station.
I promise my show won't be done while I'm drunk. Maybe not... bur perhaps... it will be a good show. I'm looking forward to seeing what Edan's show will be... she's an incredibly smart girl and everybody should give her props on her MR set. Go vote on her, her set's awesome and she's incredibly intelligent.
I am definitely not sober right now... but take my words at face valiew... I just type what I know is true... especially the intelligence of Edan.
The website for the radio station is still under-way and in construction but soon it should be up and running. Second week of december and tune in.
Again that website is
NSAR is the radio name... this stands for either "Not shitty ass radio" or "No String Attached Radio"
Depends on which commentator or owner you ask. I came up with Not Shitty Ass Radio... and my associate came up with No Strings Attached Radio... the abbreviation is good though:
How easy?
Feel free to Donate!!!! If you want to donate to the cause, send me a message and i'll figure out a way to get you ahold of the paypal for NSAR to donate.
We are not making anything off of this and it would be wonderful if we didn't have to pay for it out of our own pocket, but it's the thought that counts.
Anyhow... I'm drunk...
And I'm gonna stop typing...
I don't wanna put a plug for the radio station while I'm too fucked up...
DONATE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!