Friends... we are headed towards a depression. The senate voted yesterday on the new version of the $700 billion bail-out and accepted it. In this bill the FDIC insured amount for bank accounts will go up to $250,000 and businesses and "middle class" will be given $100 billion in tax breaks. Our two mainstage candidates for president both voted yea on this bill. Now it's up to the House of Representatives to kill the bill and the way things are going, I don't believe they will. This bill will be passed. But where will this $700 billion come from? Where will this substantial amount of money magically appear from? Why... from you and I. You and I who work so hard to have the modest living we live. You and I who depend on the money we bring in to put food on our tables and a roof over our heads. This money will come from us, the American tax-payers. And what is all this for? Uncle Sam, why is it that we must suffer for the decisions of greedy business-men and incompetent business choices? Why must we loose money because of bad banking choices and bank system failures?
Because this is America.
This is corporate-owned, corporate-run, see-all, buy-all, convenience-ruled America.
Give me convenience, or give me death.
So, why, we might ask, did McCain and Obama go along with these votes? Why didn't they stand up and vote no for the American people?
Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama are running for president of course. In such they need the support of the corporations. What better thing to do for the corporations then to say "Yes, we will bail you out... and if you get into trouble while i'm in office, just come and see me and I'll bail you out again... you're safe with me". The tax-payer is irrelevant in the eyes of the elite. Only the big-whigs with the money and power really matter. Sure, let's add to the national debt, the debt of the tax-payers, and the weakening of the dollar. Let's give away money to Wall Street and the banks.
If I had a business and that business was in trouble and about to crash... would the government step in and give me money to save it? No. If I owned a multi-million dollar corporation that utilized poor labor, sent jobs over seas, poor quality of product, and complete arrogance in the face of failure and then all of a sudden the corporation started to crash... would the government step in and save me? Most likely. And I would get rich off of it. I would get tax-breaks and more of my money would be safe in the banks. I wouldn't have to pay for the crash of my corporation, no... all the tax-payers that don't get these breaks will pay for it. The lower class will pay for it. Why not? Nobody cares about them, they can't afford my poor-quality merchandise anyway. In fact, I think I may actually employ quite a few of them. All that money that I pay them will come back to me... this is a better deal than I thought!!!!
This makes me want to not be sober. This makes me sick and angry. This makes me want to grab a gun and kill every government official there is, most notably Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson. If only I were free.
I eagerly await for the day that I'm arrested for the things I say in my blogs, I wouldn't regret a single thing... in fact... I would laugh. The day I am arrested is the day that I know I'm right about the American political system. The day I know I'm right about the level of corruption in the very people we put in power.
Somebody arrest me... I beg you.
I'll even put the handcuffs on myself.
I beg each and every one of you that read this blog (probably not too many people, but still those of you that do)... to write your state's house representative and tell them to kill the $700 billion bail-out. I know I will.
If you go to you can find out who represents your section of your state and most likely find contact information. Let's flood the email inboxes of the house representatives and let them know how we feel about the $700 billion bail-out.
SAY NO!!!!
Because this is America.
This is corporate-owned, corporate-run, see-all, buy-all, convenience-ruled America.
Give me convenience, or give me death.
So, why, we might ask, did McCain and Obama go along with these votes? Why didn't they stand up and vote no for the American people?
Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama are running for president of course. In such they need the support of the corporations. What better thing to do for the corporations then to say "Yes, we will bail you out... and if you get into trouble while i'm in office, just come and see me and I'll bail you out again... you're safe with me". The tax-payer is irrelevant in the eyes of the elite. Only the big-whigs with the money and power really matter. Sure, let's add to the national debt, the debt of the tax-payers, and the weakening of the dollar. Let's give away money to Wall Street and the banks.
If I had a business and that business was in trouble and about to crash... would the government step in and give me money to save it? No. If I owned a multi-million dollar corporation that utilized poor labor, sent jobs over seas, poor quality of product, and complete arrogance in the face of failure and then all of a sudden the corporation started to crash... would the government step in and save me? Most likely. And I would get rich off of it. I would get tax-breaks and more of my money would be safe in the banks. I wouldn't have to pay for the crash of my corporation, no... all the tax-payers that don't get these breaks will pay for it. The lower class will pay for it. Why not? Nobody cares about them, they can't afford my poor-quality merchandise anyway. In fact, I think I may actually employ quite a few of them. All that money that I pay them will come back to me... this is a better deal than I thought!!!!
This makes me want to not be sober. This makes me sick and angry. This makes me want to grab a gun and kill every government official there is, most notably Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson. If only I were free.
I eagerly await for the day that I'm arrested for the things I say in my blogs, I wouldn't regret a single thing... in fact... I would laugh. The day I am arrested is the day that I know I'm right about the American political system. The day I know I'm right about the level of corruption in the very people we put in power.
Somebody arrest me... I beg you.
I'll even put the handcuffs on myself.
I beg each and every one of you that read this blog (probably not too many people, but still those of you that do)... to write your state's house representative and tell them to kill the $700 billion bail-out. I know I will.
If you go to you can find out who represents your section of your state and most likely find contact information. Let's flood the email inboxes of the house representatives and let them know how we feel about the $700 billion bail-out.
SAY NO!!!!
You are so sweet and thank you......also, AWESOME fucking blog.....