Today is a day which everybody reveres. I have seen flags at half-mast and on the front page of my email inbox there is the story... Seventh anniversary of 9/11. It's amazing how those numbers impact those of our generation. What was it for? Was it planned by our very government in order to do a preemptive strike on Iraq? Why have we not found bin Laden yet? Are we protecting him or just not trying? Why was the pentagon staff on a "drill" of some sorts? I think there's more to 9/11 than what we know especially since intelligence reports came out long before warning that it would happen and nothing was done. We trained the pilots and didn't evacuate the buildings regardless of numerous warnings for foreign governments and even inside intelligence that pointed out the very people while they were still in flight school. I don't trust any form of government to have the best interest of you and I in mind.
Greed overtakes love.
So, on this day, I remember the instances on that day and reflect upon it. Not just to ask whether this governmental system is working for us (which anybody who reads this blog knows I'm an anarchist) or what their failures have been... but to remember the people, families, victims, and many people who were effected by this event. September 11, 2001 will be a date etched into our memories for our whole lives. Life is precious, anyone who takes life from another must not understand this or must devalue his/her own life.
September 11 is NOT a symbol of American strength, but rather a symbol of the weakness.
It is symbolic of the apathy in America and of the government.
We need to stand together.
We need to remember how to love.
We need to over-take greed.
For all those who died in those buildings, on those planes, and simply on that infamous day... let's relearn the meaning of love and not hatred. Let's embrace our fellow man, not divide. Let's remember who we are as humans. Let's keep 9/11 in our memories as a time of hatred and apathy as well as a symbol of necessary change. Let's become a free, loving society.
Lest we forget September 11, 2001.
Greed overtakes love.
So, on this day, I remember the instances on that day and reflect upon it. Not just to ask whether this governmental system is working for us (which anybody who reads this blog knows I'm an anarchist) or what their failures have been... but to remember the people, families, victims, and many people who were effected by this event. September 11, 2001 will be a date etched into our memories for our whole lives. Life is precious, anyone who takes life from another must not understand this or must devalue his/her own life.
September 11 is NOT a symbol of American strength, but rather a symbol of the weakness.
It is symbolic of the apathy in America and of the government.
We need to stand together.
We need to remember how to love.
We need to over-take greed.
For all those who died in those buildings, on those planes, and simply on that infamous day... let's relearn the meaning of love and not hatred. Let's embrace our fellow man, not divide. Let's remember who we are as humans. Let's keep 9/11 in our memories as a time of hatred and apathy as well as a symbol of necessary change. Let's become a free, loving society.
Lest we forget September 11, 2001.