I think I'm paranoid. No, I take that back... I know I'm paranoid. Anyhow... today while I was at work an undercover PD, or detective, some government person drove up to my place of business and parked in the car. Apparently he glared at one of my coworkers so maybe he was tailing him. But in any case, when I drove up the driver he was glaring at left... I noticed the car and the car sped off. Now... this could've been a case of a PD or some other official "spying" on my coworker for drugs or something like that. Or even spying on the store because I work with a LOT of potheads. OR the government read my blogs and thought I was making "terroristic" threats on the country and I'm a terrorist so they're spying on me to make sure I'm not going to do something "dramatic". Considering the car sped off when I drove up (but also as the other drive sped off, apparently he didn't follow the other driver too far though)
Paranoia or not?
My only thought is that if I was being "watched" I think I'd notice because I AM paranoid and because I look over my shoulder constantly, immediately locate security cameras in stores and places of business, and always look for cars that could be suspicious... ESPECIALLY cars that follow me. If a car follows me too long I'll get suspicious and will make a sudden turn to see what the other car does. Yes, I'm paranoid. If the Patriot Act wasn't in place then I don't think I'd have to worry about anything... but the fucking piece of shit I think is still there.
Plus I don't trust our current regime of an administration.
I had some interesting blog topics earlier but that's before the paranoia set in. My roommate's gone for the weekend visiting friends and I'm here ALL alone, it's kind of shitty but at the same time kind of nice. Anyhow....
Love, Peace, and Happiness to you,
Paranoia or not?
My only thought is that if I was being "watched" I think I'd notice because I AM paranoid and because I look over my shoulder constantly, immediately locate security cameras in stores and places of business, and always look for cars that could be suspicious... ESPECIALLY cars that follow me. If a car follows me too long I'll get suspicious and will make a sudden turn to see what the other car does. Yes, I'm paranoid. If the Patriot Act wasn't in place then I don't think I'd have to worry about anything... but the fucking piece of shit I think is still there.
Plus I don't trust our current regime of an administration.
I had some interesting blog topics earlier but that's before the paranoia set in. My roommate's gone for the weekend visiting friends and I'm here ALL alone, it's kind of shitty but at the same time kind of nice. Anyhow....
Love, Peace, and Happiness to you,