Man! I just realized today that I haven't logged on in almost a month! Crazy... I've been so freak'n busy! Even as I type I still have a list of "TO DOs" that I have to get done today. And I stress TODAY, because tomorrow I'm heading to Dallas for the Thanksgiving Holidays till Sunday. Man... just got done cleaning out my car, which wasn't really dirty but when your 33 weeks prego everything seems like a major task! LoL! Thank God I bought a $2000 Kirby last year... no more scrounging around for quarters to vacuum out my car! (Though paying $2000 compared to maybe $1.00 a month doesn't seem worth it but HEY! I use that big bad boss all over my house! ) I still have to haul ass to the nail shop to get my nails done, take a shower, go have my hair done, bake my last freak'n pumpkin pie cheesecake and pack! Gesh... where does all the time go?