This sucks... cold and rainy out... its been cold and rainy out for too long. I want to go back to Dallas! At least its snowing there. I knew I should have waited till this weekend to go to Dallas instead of going last weekend! Oh well... Good news! Losing the baby weight like no ones damn business! I'm half way from where I want...
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I am sure that you will get to your goal in no time!
Well all is good! I had my baby Girl a day before my C-section was scheduled. Guess she didn't want to wait! But I'm healing great and will not have a scar this time at all! Its almost been three weeks and I have already lost 37lbs, so no scar and getting skinny again = sooner photoshoot! Yay! 

Just 3 more days and I will be prego no more! Yay! I'm looking forward to seeing my little baby girl and looking forward to busting ass and getting back into shape! Wish me luck!
Good luck! 

Yay! Nearly done with being pregnant! My friend is begging me to let her do my first shoot sometime this month while I'm still prego... I'm still up in the air about it. On one hand it would be beautiful and unique and on the other... well, I'd really like to be back in shape before I even think about taking any photos! But I...
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Man! I just realized today that I haven't logged on in almost a month! Crazy... I've been so freak'n busy! Even as I type I still have a list of "TO DOs" that I have to get done today. And I stress TODAY, because tomorrow I'm heading to Dallas for the Thanksgiving Holidays till Sunday. Man... just got done cleaning out my car, which wasn't...
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Well it turns out I'm dressing up anyway... I'm a Pregnant Angel and my boyfriend is the Devil disguised as a Priest. LoL Happy Halloween all! Be Safe!

big pumpkin and lil pumpkin 

Halloween is this weekend and I must say that I'm sad. Last year I dressed up as a sexy fire-fighter... this year... nothing. The one time of year its okay to dress as the sluttiest slut you can be and I'm missing it. Its okay I suppose... I already informed my boyfriend I am planning on making up for it with what I plan to...
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At least you are going to make it up to him!
Rain rain rain rain rain.................
Texas falls and winters suck but what can you do?
Didn't make the Bronco Event... needless to say I was dissappointed! But its ok I'm going to be going either two weeks before Thanksgiving or the weekend before. I'm really looking forward to all the fun. Still going to be going to hidden falls.
Texas falls and winters suck but what can you do?
Didn't make the Bronco Event... needless to say I was dissappointed! But its ok I'm going to be going either two weeks before Thanksgiving or the weekend before. I'm really looking forward to all the fun. Still going to be going to hidden falls.
You could be out here where the weather is the same all of the time. I would relish a bit of variety.
Ugh... this suck so much. I'm sitting here in my home sweating to death with it being 75 degrees outside (but I swear the humidity is up to 100%)! I have the windows open but I'm so tempted to shut them and blast the AC... that or just walk around this mutha-fuka naked, but I don't think I could be cool enough even like that....
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you could always place some moist hand towels in the freezer and place them around your neck.