Keep the hopes alive, meng. It's a long season, yes... but it won't do any good to lose faith in a team at the beginning BEFORE they fuck up...
... but when they do fuck up and that's why we love em... cause they fuck up and we get say how fucking pissed we are and deliver our sure-fire ways of fixing the team. "If I was the fucking coach..." is usually how it begins and so on and so on... keep the faith, with any luck the Canucks will win the Cup this year, The Yankees won't win and Seattle...
Well SEattle will drop gullshit all over the competition.
... but when they do fuck up and that's why we love em... cause they fuck up and we get say how fucking pissed we are and deliver our sure-fire ways of fixing the team. "If I was the fucking coach..." is usually how it begins and so on and so on... keep the faith, with any luck the Canucks will win the Cup this year, The Yankees won't win and Seattle...
Well SEattle will drop gullshit all over the competition.
Peace, brothah.
[Edited on Sep 24, 2003]