The fire ant bites are finally gone. I can now focus on the blisters on my finger tips from playing bass. It hurts to type now. We need a drummer. Any takers?
No booze last night, and asleep by midnight. YAY Me! Had nothing to do with the fact the wallet was empty and I had a photoshoot at 9am. It was the Hellcats team photos for rollerderby. There is a bout Saturday, I will post it in the events in a day or so.
No booze last night, and asleep by midnight. YAY Me! Had nothing to do with the fact the wallet was empty and I had a photoshoot at 9am. It was the Hellcats team photos for rollerderby. There is a bout Saturday, I will post it in the events in a day or so.
Are you gonna come to San Antonio on the 20th for our latest get together?? Go to the Texas Group forum and read up on the latest postings.