OK, so I am doing it again. Tired of all the games. I am a homeowner, a photographer, and I play bass in the best fucking rock and roll band in Texas, if not the country. Who wants a date? Anyone?
OK, so I went out last night, it is now 6am, I am horny as shit, too fucked up to get a hard on, yet I am STILL looking at photos of naked, tattooed, pierced chicks. I am my own Goddamned hero.......
OK. threapy is on hold, I bought a house, and my life seems so much better now. I am a photographer, a home owner, and I play bass in the best fucking rock and roll band ever. Any one want a date?
I did two years on the couch because I was raped. It is painful and it sucks, but you gotta get in to get out. No carpet crawling necessary. Be well, and best of luck.
OK, this is day number 8 of non smoking. It had gotten better, but it still sucks. I wans a cigarette so bad right now, but I know if I have one I will feel like shit for doing it. Must be strong.
Damn cigarettes! I quit for two years straight and broke it all away lastnight. I definitely have to give the rest away, they taste like shit anyway. Yes, be strong.
Quit smoking 5 days ago. The ceiling is bending and the floor is pissing me off. Why does the sink have to be such an ass hole!!!!!!!!! Sorry, nic fit.......