hmmmm, well, i dont drink or smoke, and i fucking hate squirrels more than anything else in life. but i love to get ma schwerrve on. i am under 54(barely), i am a scorpio, and i have most of my teeth and some damn good false fronts.
so, do you have any hot naked booty pics, so i can evaluate the talent?
I had a gynecologist appointment yesterday. To say the least, it ruined my day yesterday, and I'm still pissed off today that I had to go through with it. My blood pressure was high. Wouldn't yours be too?, waiting before you had to get tongs....nevermind. Until next year!
Do you remember when you found out about Santa Claus?
I don't want to break it to anybody that doesn't KNOW. But, sorry, he's not real.
I remember, I was like 6. We didn't have any cookies to give out, mom was nuts and wouldn't let us have stuff w/ sugar in it. So I put out cheez - its. You know the little... Read More
Aah, there you are!
Can't really remember the moment Christmas died, seems such a long time ago. Remember putting a glass of sherry and a mince pie out for Santa. Always thought he had weird tastes.
NOOOOO, Its ruined i always thought he was real.
i actually remember when i was like 6 i saw my parents bringing down the presents at like 2 in the morning. This is one of the down sides of being one of those people who only sleeps a couple hours a night. But i never really cared cause i would get cool shit like art supplies and skateboards.
I am tring to change the selfish thing, i did not realize that i was until i lost my girlfriend, i think it is the whole penis thing that makes us selfish
:Gobble: :Gobble: Thanksgiving on Thursday. I have to work! Blah!! But that's really ok, because what's Thanksgiving? Not much to me, I'm not a celebrator of such events. But hope everybody else had a good one.
I catch myself staring at people's mouths when they talk. It was pointed out to me yesterday that I do that. I'm glad somebody told me, because it might make somebody feel wierd that I'm not looking into their eyes, or face...but their lips and teeth. Hahaha, its a strange fetish.
thats cool you got both pierced at the same time. now ive never seen someone with multiple peircings on the same side of the nose. or howabout a hole through the nose to look like a cannibal type person..
i think you look cute with what you have, its like it really belongs theri and is not over the top.
i dont have anything peirced, its not that im a wuss, i just dont see the need for it on me? i dunno
Coriolis Force- is what the water swirling in a toilet bowl is called. cool name
Man, is it really the 19th of Nov. already?? Halloween feels like last week. Crappy grey day, not feeling like it's going to be too productive. I can't function without sunshine. But then again, it's not too cold out for this time of year. Well, it's back to work, I basically took 2 days off and didn't do a damn thing. That's never good.
Leave the c*nt right now. What a fucking little shit. If there's one thing I hate more than anything else it's child abuse. And this guy's English. Get him sent back here so we can deal with him properly. Bastard.
Sorry to be strong on this, don't want to upset you. But you're right, in the fact that you're young and attractive and deserve someone who care's for you better.
Hope you do the right thing *hugs*
I'm not surprised by your emotional state. It's a lot to take in, however, still think you're better off without him.
You seem too nice and sweet to be associated with him.