Homework time! And since I'm at my real job, and I'm pretty sure I found the end of the internet yesterday, I'll catch up.
Thank you to @LYXZEN, @CHARMAINE, and @RAMBO for the topic: What are you pet peeves?
Good lord, this list could go on forever.
1. I can't stand people who are rude to others for NO reason. Especially when it comes to people working in customer service. You have no idea what that waitress, or gal working in Forever 21, or random dude at the gas station are dealing with that day.. do you really need to be a little shit to them on top of it?
I don't mess with 3 types of people: anyone who handles my food, cuts my hair, or is tattooing me. FOR OBVIOUS REASONS.
2. Don't say you're going to do something and then not do it. Drives me up the wall! "Oh, I'll call you.." "Yeah, I'll meet you there" and then just blow me off with no courtesy call, nothing. I understand, life happens. But pick up the phone that I know you have in your hand.
3. If you take out the trash, put a new bag in. Nothing make me more upset and throwing something in the trash and having to fish it out again because there was no new bag.
4. For the love of God, please don't ask me if my tattoos hurt. Yes, they did. My favorite is, *person points to me*, "what does that tattoo mean?" "Um, your going to have to be more specific. I'm covered in them so I'm not quite sure which one you're asking about. Also, go away."
5. I cannot stand being touched by someone I don't know. Why are you putting your hands on me, weird dude at the bar? And of course, they get all bitchy when I tell them to keep it to themselves. Look, if you wanna get nasty, we can. I have free dental. We can do this all day.
Ok, I think I'll stop there. Happy pet peeves, everyone!