So we went to the swingers bash on Friday at a private bar in the west-end.
It was the usual awkwardness for a while, the DJ keeping the volume at just the right level so as to not be intrusive, but loud enough for people to talk amongst themselves whilst they scoped out the other couples/potential playmates. After a while of wandering around and deciding wed seen everyone, i sparked up conversation with a good looking pair, Miya returned from the loo and we chatted for a good hour i think.
Then they saw someone theyd played with before and went over to have a quick word with them, whilst Miya decided she wanted to try and steal some blokes top-hat, it didnt work and he kinda leered over her a bit, either that or he was drunk (probably!)
About half hour later our new friends came back over and resumed their conversation with us and im pleased to say im pretty sure weve made some new friends. You see most people assume swinging is all about the sex, but its abctually about meeting new friends and people with similar interests, the sex is just some harmless fun that may or may not eventually follow, but the company and laughter (and sometimes orgasmic wailings) of good people is what makes things most enjoyable.
There was also a little twist in our tale which i shall summarise thusly:
Price of invite to party: 25
A nights worth of alcohol: 65
The cost of the bus home: 2.50
Finding out the following morning that the female half of the couple you spent all night chatting to is actually a pornstar: (thats right, you guessed it) PRICELESS
It was the usual awkwardness for a while, the DJ keeping the volume at just the right level so as to not be intrusive, but loud enough for people to talk amongst themselves whilst they scoped out the other couples/potential playmates. After a while of wandering around and deciding wed seen everyone, i sparked up conversation with a good looking pair, Miya returned from the loo and we chatted for a good hour i think.
Then they saw someone theyd played with before and went over to have a quick word with them, whilst Miya decided she wanted to try and steal some blokes top-hat, it didnt work and he kinda leered over her a bit, either that or he was drunk (probably!)
About half hour later our new friends came back over and resumed their conversation with us and im pleased to say im pretty sure weve made some new friends. You see most people assume swinging is all about the sex, but its abctually about meeting new friends and people with similar interests, the sex is just some harmless fun that may or may not eventually follow, but the company and laughter (and sometimes orgasmic wailings) of good people is what makes things most enjoyable.
There was also a little twist in our tale which i shall summarise thusly:
Price of invite to party: 25
A nights worth of alcohol: 65
The cost of the bus home: 2.50
Finding out the following morning that the female half of the couple you spent all night chatting to is actually a pornstar: (thats right, you guessed it) PRICELESS

happy birthday (apologies its two days late)
thats interesting. why does it cost so much for an invite? and, wow, you slept with a pornstar? thats pretty cool!